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ShApeS nAmed LeTters
PUt iNto a cErtaiN
CAn seNd MesSagEs
To ThE miNd'S eye
THaT crEaTe aN
FOr inStAncE
A rEd RoSe
No, tomfoolery
 We live in serious times
Light hearted laugh smile
      Levity lightens the soul
Find a joyful purposed life

Inspired songs
1) don’t worry, be happy
by Bobby McFerrin

2) The 59th St. Bridge song
By Simon and Garfunkel

3) Girls just wanna have fun
by Cyndi Lauper

Tanku 5-7-5-7-7 31 syllables
This was not completed in time
Posted  8-12-24
BLT Webster word of the day challenge
Tomfoolery 7-17-24
Silly play
Sometimes . . .
Such as a Who
. . . at Leeds ,
Or a dream unfullfilled
. . . in Alabama
Or the conflict
. . . daily in Dallas
or the absurd
. . . "Free at last ! Free at Last! Thank God free at last !

The more it changes
The less I recognize
. . . and there you elbow me
saying ,"It remains the same!"

Poetry is like underwear
It's wearable but not necessary
Comes in all shapes and sizes
Any color you would want
with printed statements of facts
Some wear well
Some have holes
Some rise to the occassion
Some barely make it waste deep
There it was
in plain sight
I stared and stared
but it didn't
look right
I checked the spelling
and was assured
that's the way it's

I said what the Hell

Something I saw
now for every day
How could it change
so much in every way

Jamais vu !
Jamais vu is when suddenly familiar places , words or people suddenly look unrecognizable and you see them in a new perspective .
Sweet eyes aglow
So kindly she smiles
My heart's been ridden
A million miles

In unison with time
The dust of day descends
Somewhere inside
We could all use a friend

In shadows of thought
Our psyche embraces
In the pulse of a smile
A glimpse of true faces

One last smile
Of pleasant farewell
So subtle the mind
As the heart is fulfilled...
Traveler Tim
Early morning
I stand barefoot
On watered grass
As the rising sun
Kisses leaves of olive trees
With beads of yellow light
I am earthed
My static buzzing
Dampening down
Like the drowsy bees
Hidden in the lavender
Quatum Parker was a native American math **** . Born in the Blackboard Mountains of Oklahoma to Boris and Annika Schvartsberg who were pre-holocaust survivors who migrated to the U.S. prior to the infamous invasion of  fire ants in 1918 . At an early age Quantum
showed a proclivity at dealing with numbers which he picked up by watching Crows count in a mysterious beek and claw adaptation of the hood system of physically applied pressure points . Or as it is known today
as the fast break and dump system . Unfortunately Quantum had the misfortune one day of running into Little Bear legally coming down the mountain which so startled him he slipped and fell to his death . But we can all thank Quantum for leaving us a legacy of calculus of how many bounces it takes to **** a number .
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