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  Mar 2022 el
McKenna Pickett
It's like the entire world feels right
whenever I see you.
el Sep 2021
oh love
i don't think you understand
i adore you regardless
  Sep 2021 el
kaleidoscope, hanging rope
so many options, so many ways to go
but so many ways to fall
can you handle my all
I guess only time knows
time is so fickle but so are my fears
time is so riddled with endings
that's why I keep you near
interlaced, preventing heartbreak
but no matter the amount of effort the sum is pain
so I worship the rain in my dry spell
I focus on the power in myself
to stand tall and plan for the many ways I can fall
I wish the best for myself
el Sep 2021
of course i'm happy for you
i'm just unhappy for me
you deserve this, but i don't
el Aug 2021
i wish you would share a piece of your soul with me
and i wish you would let me share a piece of my soul with you

i wish you knew that ive never wanted to give my soul to anyone
but i want you to know my soul better than everyone
el Aug 2021
i was so close to ending it all
to giving up
but how can i give up
when you're still going so strong
and after everything youve been through
i can see that you're going so strong
how can i leave when you're still here
i'm so proud of you
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