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Cheer up, dear
it's only a moment.
you're sitting through a sunrise
that's taking longer than it promised.
those kisses that you remember
are no better then the ones
waiting in front of you.
remember where you came from
and look to where your going
your smile is so radiant
your soul so strong.
keep striving on with diligence
because the new day is about to dawn
and when you see the bright light
you'll realize how much you're meant
to really be and become.
Graff1980 Dec 2014
The Veneration
And Sublimation
Of a Freethinking nation
The Devastation
Of Liberty
Comes with the
Consuming identity
Of Religious
Soumya Inavilli Mar 2015
You built a castle of glass around your heart,
to keep it safe from getting hurt.
You went on searching for comfort, but in vain,
the walls cracked and are now falling apart.
You weren't willing to let go of it when the
monsoon brought in the rain and the gloom.
You still didn't leave the place when
it got too cold in the winters.
You thought you could repair it, picking up
the pieces when the dust settled on the floor.
And then the sunlight poured in through those
cracks, filling the rooms with bright light.
You saw hope in that light, found your happiness
in that warmth and got a chance to step out of the dark.
My love, for it  is these cracks and scars that
make your heart strong and brave, not the castles.
the summer heat is oppressive
it's so hot and humid in the south
you become drenched with sweat
just standing still

the running streams of mountain water
rushing through rocks and then crashing down on ya
the chill of the waterfall freezes the intensity of explosion
on your skin as the water beats down on ya
there's nothing like it in the world to standing underneath a waterfall

I hug the wall of stone and feel the cold slimy surface
and my hands run through the moss growing on the side

what an amazing reprieve on a hot summer's day
God bless the mountains of North Carolina
God bless Appalachia
God bless this place called

home of my heart
where living waters flow
Matthew A Cain Mar 2016
look at me, me, me
And we fail to see,
Attention is the new "drug".
And thus we believe we deserve the best while aiming for mediocrity.
The "I generation"
Defined by our need to feel special
We post, tag and snapchat to feed our addictions
But nothing ever satisfies
Just one more hit
and I’ll be done with this
Just one more like
and one more time
But we fail to realize we’re slowly dying inside
as life
Passes us by.
I know this topic is a bit played out but in honesty I get frustrated with my generation because we are starving for human interaction and we believe that we will find it on the other end of a wifi connection when in all reality friends surround us talking and trying to connect but to no avail and worst yet we spend half our time staring at a screen as our life passes us by and our addictions rob us of our youth and spontaneity.
How heavy the days are.
There's not a fire that can warm me,
Not a sun to laugh with me,
Everything bare,
Everything cold and merciless,
And even the beloved, clear
Stars look desolately down,
Since I learned in my heart that
Love can die.

They talk as slow as Legends grow
No mushroom is their mind
But foliage of sterility
Too stolid for the windβ€”

They laugh as wise as Plots of Wit
Predestined to unfold
The point with bland prevision
Portentously untold.
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