Change. Less like the turtle that peeks out of it's shell and more like the orchid blossoming for the first time. With little rhyme or reason, the unwatched season will pass you by if you let it. The fortune unfavoured or the sunset unsavoured, they will pass well over the horizon if you refuse to give them your attention.
So it is, so it will always be and so we see that every opportunity that is given to us from the hands of God... or whatever... is a lesson that we must learn the first time lest we have to learn again. Nine times out of ten, what you want is not just going to strut up and knock on your front door one day... but on that one time where the stars align in your favour and you are given the chance to shine, you have to make. that. count. If you can focus every bit of talent you have and crush it down into the size of the head of a pin, then that's many times better than spreading it out even. Men live and die under the eye of criticism and if you can rally yourself to what you want to do and what you believe in... Then you can make it through. I'm not in the habit of making promises, but I can assure you that there is not many thing in this life that you can't overcome if you try your very hardest and someone who will do their best 100% of the time is worth their weight in stardust.
There was a time when I would've fenced down a giant, but at the same time was facing a tyrant when it came to my own emotions. It was all false notions that it was too hard or too painful, when instead of blinking the tears away and etching a smile on my face, I kept thinking that there was more to a problem with one solution. You've got to try. You've got to deny that there is anything that can stare you down or tear you down, you've got to plant your feet to the ground and sound every alarm. Because you are not giving up. Not again. Not this time.