I wish to find in my own heart on each cold and blustery day Selfless meanderings of love for those who helped me on my way
I hope that my anxieties which come to haunt me day and night Wont drown me with needs for new friends leaving old ones to suffer blight
They walked with me most of my life watered my soul to grow loves seed Bore my pains within their own ******* through the times of my deepest need
Count yourself a fortunate prince to be able to name just one For whom your welfare is indeed a concern that is never done
They are to me like my old shirt that I wear with great dignity reminding me of my own worth and hope for all humanity
Original poem and music http://www.writerscafe.org/writing/aristate/671754/
I consider myself fortunate to have had a few good friends. I can count on one hand their number. This poem is meant for one in particular. Without whom I would not have made it to write this. Thank you Robyn! She gave me a certain Banana Republic shirt that I treasure. So count yourself a fortunate princess Robyn. Be assured I am one for whom your welfare will never be done. Being so scarce great friends are considered precious. The miracle many wish for is not in a life we missed. It lies within the life we have. And so friends give us the feeling that we are loved as much or more than we love others. Those few memories unlike most are the only ones we recall in color not black and white. This because they are associated with the colorful shirt that painted the brush strokes of our lives together and times apart.