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Mar 2014
She used to be happy
An innocent angel once
Always been deceived

Sick of being miserable
Poison spread in her heart
She screamed for help
Did anyone care?

Surrounded by cruel monsters
Dead compassion around
Betrayals and disappointments

"Why? tell me.. why does it have to be like this", she cried

Shame on herself
Run.. run, run far away
Storms and hurricanes along the way
Lightning and loud thunder
The girl was afraid.. lost

Scared, angry and weeping
Broken dreams and wishes
Drowning in the deep sea
Locked in a missing door
Where are they now?
Everything has faded
It will never be seen again

She finds herself nowhere
Misguided by pain
An odd path was seen
Light slowly vanishes
In the cold dark side..
A place she'd rather be
Curled in a ball, frustrated

"I'm worthless..", she said
Awfully accusing the mirror
Asking herself repeatedly

Black roses holding her
Torn that made her numb
Still she's hiding at ease
Needing to forget reality
Hopelessly still wondering
Lonely, frightened, tears falling

"I'm better off alone", she whispered

She closed her eyes.. sadly
Tired from all the suffering
There.. the girl sleeps peacefully..
Never want to see light again
Fooling her soul in dreams.. *eternally
Written by
Rose  Wonderland
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