My current life is in rewind mode. I’m looking for answers. I’m looking for codes. Calmness for me is like a ghost. I’m looking for answers. They are foremost.
There’s no need for sorrow, no need for cry. It counts for nothing. It's all a lie. I need to find the very twist. But time doesn’t slow down at least.
I’m going backwards. My memory’s tricky. It keeps all in mind. It is so sticky. I rake up all: how loved, how fought, How I forgave, and how I sought.
I spilled into ash, but I got up. I saved myself, but others closed up. I’m digging, throwing, looking for answers. It beats me whole. It’s like a cancer.
What if that's all a fiction, a wrong? Like the Atlantis, sunk too long. A legend, which is almost forgotten. And me, who wasn’t loved as a rotten.
And now I’m going back again, Ridiculous, clumsy, unhelpful, mundane. My world relocated a long time ago. It’s an emptiness warehouse, a storage of Echo.
This poem is a kind of revelation, a confession. It is too important and too pain. Thank you for reading it.