Today, my train of thought Is a bit off track. It's a dark and confusing smokestack. You see, questions abound. So buckle in as I go to town.
Which cider you on? Apple or hard? If a tree falls on a copier And no one is around to see it, Does it make a forest? I'm rooting for yes; but quite unsure.
How many coins can a fountain hold? I wish I knew. Is Paul dead or the walrus? Is Paul dead AND the walrus? Coo coo ca choo.
What's the beef about red meat? It fills but kills? It sells but fells? Who knows! The proof is in the pudding. All other desserts are unsubstantiated, I suppose.
If peanut butter leaves Los Angeles Traveling east at 100 miles per hour, And jelly leaves New York Traveling west twice as fast, Will they become a sandwich when they meet? What a treat if they did.
Maybe one day these Universal questions will be solved. But for now, I'm quite dizzy From all the lunacy involved.