A Beginner's Guide To manifesting your dreams And achieving prosperity __
Clarify your end result Visualize with inner eyes Take incremental actions Watch angelic forces rise
Trust in powerful beings Embrace their loving aid Shape intelligent matter Forge reality - unafraid
Give thanks for all you use Enjoy each glorious day Accept, forgive, rejoice Reach out to help, and pray
This is Prosperity Poem 105 at ProsperityPoems.com and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below). https://prosperitypoems.com/delivery105ABeginnersGuide.html You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)
Everyone has talents and strengths. I've always enjoyed working with words and I'm so grateful for the gift and inspiration that allows these thoughts to flow through me.
I keep a huge list of possible words and ideas for future poems, but most often the most recent poem is sparked by something I see or hear that day. Lately I've been studying Geology and one of my books is "A Beginner's Guide to Minerals", and that was the spark.
Wouldn't it be helpful if we had a beginner's guide to prosperity? So, I wrote one.