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Jul 2020
As the sun has started to set,
my hopes are heading back.
Some inevitable demons have started to take over my mind.
I can see everything fade.
Even my shadow has abandoned me.
I have never seen such abstract darkness.
I'm all alone inside my room.
I'm scared, but not scared enough
I ain't afraid of the darkness of the room,
but the darkness inside my very own head
My soul would soon start unleashing the ruthless pain
it went through, it'll soon demand answers.
Answers for why it can never be reassembled.
Answers to why it can' t be unscarred.
Answers to why it keeps on drowning in the ocean of deep pain
Answers to questions i can't even explain.
I'm afraid of being tortured by my own soul,
who seeks for those answers which I myself don't know
I'm afraid of being all alone, in such abstract darkness.
Cause the inevitable demons aren't unknown,
They are the screams of my very own scarred and broken soul.
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