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Apr 2020
they say
sad could be a drug
but that's a lie
it's happiness people try to find
to try and get high
trying to find bliss
amidst the grey
drinking in hits
stems twist and sway
the dark, cold morning of May
where i
that's when i didn't want to
stay alive
not anymore, no
there, began the end of my show
shoes slapping the ground.
head low
sky was clouded, so i couldn't look up
for fear i'd get a raindrop in my eye
for fear the crow would see me cry
for fear i would be exposed to a foe
so head down, breath held, i go

life has a knack of
ripping away all you've got
tearing you apart
thread by thread
seam to seam
this is far more than a crushed dream
this is heartbreak
this is loss
this is the will to live, gone
the loss of a home
Copyright. Elissar Mustapha
Written by
el  21
   ---, scrawny and spacewalker
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