Anna - Hey sorry I don’t feel like talking. You are not worth my time or attention.
Steve - I’m good now.
Steve - I found me another lover.
Steve - All I wanted was your time and your attention, but you placed my heart in an emotional detention.
Steve - To me now you just another potential lover I could of loved and cared for. But you loved your ego more.
Anna - I’m sorry.
Anna - At the time you wanted me I was busy.
Anna - I want you now though, even though you have another lover, I envy her. Your persistence showed me you were worth my time. But my ignorance encouraged me to ignore my heart and feed my ego.
Anna - Now it’s sad to watch you go.
Anna - I wish I knew better and did better. Now loneliness comforts my ugly mess.
Steve - I guess this is goodbye, because with persistence I also come with, love, patients and loyalty. I am glad I never gave you the best of me.
Steve - My lover truly deserves all of me. My time and my energy, my flaws and insecurities. Thank you for letting me find the best of me.
Steve - You were the light that had to shine in me for me to find the best of me. Your rejection brought out a better version of me.
Steve - Love stings like a blind bee it can kiss anyone and make them feel it slowly. For those it never kisses their hearts forever remain lonely.