As the curtains begin to close, I can see no stage light at all. All my feelings they were never exposed. I am trapped behind this wall. Never letting anybody close, Too much to risk to let them know And when those curtains finally fall, I am left a hollow ghost.
I had no effect in my time, Never to be seen again. This is all that remains of my life, The tears that stain the page.
Empty words in an empty mind, There is nothing, there is nothing, there is… Inside I am falling into the abyss; all that I wish for…never arrives. Nightmares are the only dreams I have left, Since she took away the possibility of my heart ever being kissed.
My screams have no sound in this oblivion. My voice has no will or volume to turn up, for an audience without her. She could have given me a state of bliss, a rose tinted kingdom! Now all I have is loss, all is gone; I am gravitating down…into the Earth.