Today I left fear I let control me And negative decisions I drowned in the dust Prettier colors will bloom from my drab dirt Drip from dark walls with each turn and ******
Now I feebly fill my weak body with Eternal and everlasting love and gratitude Contain it within the deeply tucked hope I somehow still have which lifts my sour mood
My diet will no longer consist of Processed carbs, substances strong I vow to start treating my body like a pristine temple Instead of a tomb where the cold corpses belong
I wish I had more than words, I don't Luckily the page listened through the years To the bittersweet ending of up-and-down phases Each of them seeing their fair share of tears
I desire my actions to talk louder Reflect the honest intentions held in my heart I am scrambling to keep us together We are on the verge of falling apart
I am going to grow into the beautiful strong flower you need me to be, I just need time.