I dream of* lovers who fascinate me to no end, veering the course of their affection from something they understand exists, to something they fear to understand
I dream ofhearts yearning for their better halves, as they seep deeper into the chasms that engulf their intimacy within
I dream ofwriters who bleed from their pens as they wholeheartedly express their emotions and aspire to quell the heartache that they endure every day
I dream ofinnovators who wish to present upon their peers the next invention selected to represent the advent of a better tomorrow
I dream of tears. I dream oftears....
Why? What sorcery forces one to shed so many that they leak past the prisms of known consciousness and into the peaceful slumber that comforts aching minds?
I apologize.
Now you know of the dread, sorrow, and sheer wonder that comes when I dream of earthly elements begging for peace.
I dream because I am a coward. I apologize for*dreaming.