We all grew into our ears and our teeth Our opinions and our feet Our clothes and chubby cheeks We grew out of our music tastes And other peoples mouths Learned what it was like to love and be loved Learned what hate looks like What scars on hearts instead of arms looked like We grew out our colored hair And washed career dreams like astronaut and superhero Down the drain With someone else's sweat Got used to sleeping in someone else's bed Burned our memories of them We grew into our faces And out of our blind faith We lead more then we follow We fall in love with the concept of tomorrow We learn the ability to bully instead of being bullied And finally learn to rise above it all We learned where we come from cannot change But we can We learned the city isn't always beautiful That there are problems and trauma in silence That sometimes the most peaceful thing you can do is scream until it makes sense to you
"Write, write until you've used every metaphor in your library"