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Dec 2017
Some of the many things people say...

"You're a Winner!"

No... I'm Not...

"You're Beautiful!"

No... I'm Not...

"You're Strong!"

No... I'm Not...

"You're Good!"

No... I'm Not...

"You're Worthy!"

No I am Not!!!

Because Out Side Of Christ I am  NONE Of These Things

"You're Failure!"

No I'm Not...

"You're Ugly"

Not I'm Not...

You're Weak!

No I'm Not...

You're Bad!

No I'm Not...

You're Unworthy

No I'm Not!!!

Because Now That I Am In Christ, I am NONE Of Those Things
Outside of Christ I am nothing, Inside of Christ, He is Everything
Colossians 1:17 - 18
"He is before all things. and in Him, all things hold together and He is the head of the body, the church; He is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy."
Written by
ClawedBeauty101  21/F/TikTok
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