Too jealous to justify I earnestly belived I could capture These ever passing moments in time
And as each one falls past my fingertips As coarse words fall from my unkempt lips I only find myself cursing The lucky few, for whom words are never amiss And am left still rehearsing Searching for a way to capture bliss
Too depressive for my own good And far too negative Tortured? No That might imply I can be understood
Lightweight? That's a bit closer I suppose I'd ask you to do it If I thought you would
Overblown and borderline Constantly finding ways to undermine To my detriment To retreat or to repent Or keep going Down this beaten path I did invent
Ages pass
Years fly by
Days crawl on till there's hardly any time
Finite and dwindling
Ever draining supply
I still can't find a way to aliviate what's on my mind.