I can feel your heart beat in that one moment we're together And you're looking at the stars as they sparkle like your eyes each with a flicker of hope a flicker of hope that you might really care But I'm looking at you and you can't seem to notice But hearts beat as one And our minds think together And in that moment I think I'm in love But I'm not in love with you I'm in love With the thought of you The thought of being with you It makes every part of me ache But I stop caring Because I can l only feel one thing Love Until you look at me And the beat of my heart changes It races But you don't see me Like I see you I see perfection And you see a game Something to play with until I it breaks Like everything else You play me And my heart stops It beats slowly As if it is trying to tell me something with each beat But I ignore every message And I look at you And for a second the universe is drawing us together For a second every thing is blurry But you're the only thing in focus And it feels like more than a second I want it to last forever And you move closer to me And I move closer to you And our faces get closer and closer Until the gap has disappeared And I'm looking into the stars in your eyes Everything is perfect Nothing can change this one moment Even the stars look at us in awe Because it's perfect Then suddenly my second is up Everything stops And our lips don't touch And you leave me with the same emptiness I started with The same feeling of loneliness and everything is the same and you're looking at the stars and I'm looking at you and I'll only ever be looking at you