You know what's harder than falling for the bad guy? Falling for the others The seemingly nice ones The good guys
The signs are all there afterall, Everyone can't stop raving about how wonderful he is The ideal nice guy
And for a moment Just one moment of blindsidedness You believe it You let it consume you Revelling in the positives Lacing together each moment spent together Into a beautiful story
The perfect beginning, middle and end Designed intricately by yours truly A potential work of art Destined for greatness perhaps Isn't it?
The pride of your masterpiece destroys you Engulfing your sense of reality Blinding you from the truth The falsehood of it A piece that depicts nothing Nothing but an illusion Another dimensional reality One you don'tΒ Β live in And probably never will
And sometimes In those rare moments of silence It comes back The crushing harsh reality Your foolhardy choices laid bare And you admit Quietly to yourself For who else can your true self be revealed to?
Maybe Just maybe you were wrong Those masterful strokes of perfection The gleaming knighthood of it all Just a lie?
A veil drawn over your sense of truth So strong it blinded you Completely Drowning you in its falsehoods The shores of reality no more than a distant memory
You know what's worse than falling for the bad guy? Falling for the right one.