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Jul 2016
All are cast upon life's Seas
All have cares and doubt
We can freeze at 0°
Or we can Scream & Shout

The Tempest tears at our proud sails
The waves crash on our decks
The winds wail, our strength can fail
And we can end up wrecks

Caught between two destinies
The Scylla and Charybdis
The devil and the deep blue sea
The malstrom comes to haunt us

But... avast there, mate! It's not your fate!
There asleep upon your lee
Is God so great, He's never late!
And he can calm the sea!

Have you heard? He has awoken!
He's not in the grave!
Tho we are broken, He has spoken!
He's Ruler of the waves!

So do not fear the hurricanes
For as sure as I was born
Tempests wane, in sad refrain
Before the

Maker of the Storm

(C) 7/14/2016
Jesus Calms the Storm
Mark 4:35-41
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