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Mar 2016
please don't go,

i need you like an april flower needs carbon dioxide and other things to grow,

i need you like a tongue needs h2O in order to speak, and for the words and songs to flow,

i need you like an artist needs colours to paint his or her emotions,

i need you like, a busy man, who works everyday and needs his promotions,

i need you like a soulful poet needs metaphors, to express their lovely words,

oh i need you like the moon needs the sun, in order to shine so beautifully in the night,

don't you see that i love you?
i know we had a really big fight,
but darling i don't care i need you alright?

you're my stars in the night,
you're my everything, you're such a delight.*

i need you too.
"I'll always need you in the night, please be my north star and shine so bright for me tonight?"
m i a
Written by
m i a  20/F/m a r s
(20/F/m a r s)   
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