It felt like midnight Running with the wind Across the hills Chasing the stars Catching our breath Listening to the crickets Dancing in the river ..It felt like this
It felt like freedom Beholding a recurring dream Finally grasping what you've always longed for Squinting your eyes in disbelief Delicate tear drops of joy The adrenaline of glory ..It felt like this
You felt like home Like unlocking the front door of peace The familiar and most relaxing feeling of laying your head down on your cool pillow The safety of your life behind those walls The carpet caressing your clean and damp bare feet Fresh coffee brewing before you open your eyes The morning sun through your window into your bedroom as an alarm ..You felt like this
And then I remembered you were leaving We would no longer be running together Chasing the fireflies and dancing under the stars.. We would no longer have what felt like a dream The freedom to love would be gone. And this would no longer be your home My home would not lay within you anymore And your arms would no longer be my comfort
We would just be us, the way we are without one another. Your life will go on and my heart will disconnect from you.