I let my guard down and showed him my skin full of freckles I let him connect the dots creating constellations each with a story that he narrated
I let my guard down and showed him my flaws galactic bruises thanks to my clumsiness and let him float in each one marveling at the purple and blue
I let my guard down and showed him my bashfulness as it colored my pale cheeks red and imprinted goosebumps everywhere...
I let my guard down and showed him the ways I like to sin.. having my fuzz stand in salutation
I let my guard down and showed him the other side of me the one basks in the nature of things naked, bursting with energy of the sun emitting sultry rays that brighten his eyes in astonishment
I let my guard down and showed him myself full fledged imperfection put together in a beautiful way
I let my guard down and showed him how my piercing eyes move waves of emotions in his gut
I let my guard down and waited to see how he will enjoy such a mystery feeding my kind of curiosity