It is inevitable that there comes a time in everyone’s life that they must endure a hardship. The strong and successful take this hard-ship and turn themselves into somewhat of a Captain Hook, basically taking the role as the only person that can guide their boat out of the storm. Similar to roaming the oceans for weeks, there comes days where unexpected blocks attempt to take a stab at our vessels. Science tells us that with punctures to our arteries we bleed out. Use this vital fluid, mix it with the very drops of tears that shed from your baby blues, and construct a potion. Witches use this technique for self pleasure, which is probably what you should do. If anyone tries to hurt you again then slip in a sip of your produced toxic tonic. Rebuild your barriers and do not allow anyone to break it down until you have total trust in them. There will come a day much like 1989 for Berlin, where the process for dismantling your wall will come to pass. Until then just never forget the small things in life that make you who you are. I have this power that allows me to look into the future and witness someone’s fate. All I can tell you is that you can be the director. If you were in a movie right now, you would be near the end of the first cinema. Let’s call it The Dark Night. Don’t forget that with every questionable ending comes a sequel, and I promise that you will Rise.