all start with part time friend who starts being full time love, who lives under books and poetry, i dont see other but only you. your kisses on the brain is a thing that makes me special, your kisses are so soft and my body's swinging from Side to side, bc i dont see other but only you. the place of our 1st kiss is magical so magical that i cant explain, is like fairytails out of books is a city where castle are real, and you live there and i dont see other but only you. i want find you and your magical place, and the trees will whisper my name, just bc you're smart dont make you geek, right? bc i dont see other but only you smart, kind, but you... you're always trying being funny and makes my messy world feel awesome, i'm so in love for your the way you see the problems on my head, bc i dont see other but only you. me being crazy and you being calm... can we have a hosue with thousand of books ? bc i only see you... -d.a