I left but I still see tem, yes they have moved on you still call them your friends but they haven't been that way for long your gone and everything's changing , but you have not rite to care their not your friends anymore but then why do I feel bare? watch on with a simple smile as they all go on without you say your good byes' to the life you hade because they live on without you
You thought it would be different that we would go away? But no the monsters inside your head we are hear to stay Now your some weir new you tuck for granted all that you had you walked away now your hanging your head what was the point of leaving your still miserable all that's changed are the new faces you have to lurn to fool! Those people knew who you were all the cuts and bruises to they all knew the same pain even thou you never knew but now go look weir you are not a signal one can see if you say one word much more pain they'll be So the scars they must weight over top of unseen skin your not allowed to talk about what their has been so if she ends up taking her life don't look so surprised in her heart she knew that it was ok...that you could live without her