I can't breathe Let me breathe There isn't air anymore I can't breathe No one hears me I have such soft screams But I'm still screaming I'm still a person I think I should stop That's my problem I never know when to stop Why can't I make decisions Sure I'll do that since you suggested it Who am I? I am the walrus Yup I'm gone And it's so late remember when we use to stay up all night I think about that all the time I can't get back on my schedule I need to just let it go But I can't How many sunrises did we watch together How many cigarettes did we smoke How much closer were we to each other to death And now I've run out of air Maybe that's why we didn't sleep Because we knew our time was numbered You say you saw this coming I really didn't to everyone's dismay I thought I was making a choice And then I couldn't do it But I couldn't do it now either I can't keep jumping person to person You both should have left I wanted that But I'm afraid to be alone I'm afraid of myself And I'm afraid of the dark silence is my biggest fear And my farthest goal I miss my clocks I miss cat And I miss you I can't believe I don't remember what you smell like anymore That's ****** up Can I smell you or is that a no I'm suppose to be learning how to read social cues from people now I can't only have one emotion they said More like all of them combined I think I've lost it Dude you broke me But its okay I like this Broken means I don't have to worry about breaking Maybe you were right It wouldn't be the first time