I have always struggled in all grades of school Teachers always thought of me as the angry fool
I love to read, I love to draw and I love to write, But no one won when they got me to actually fight
So very lonely, I dreaded going to school everyday There was no one to stop that in a loving way
No one understood my issues that had yet to be reveled I had yet to learn that what was broken could be healed
No one cared to know what was the matter with the freak That knowledge was not for the average person so weak
I grew stronger mentally each day, my mentality growing hard I didn't know that in the future I would be given a lucky card
A card called Lincoln, the home of the Phoenix People don't always go willing there, and few actually picks
Almost in the center of a town I didn't really know There is a school like no other school in the USA, you'll wish you could go
Once you hear how the teachers actually help you How the food is kinda good most days and people actually care, it's true
I didn't believe it at first, no, not at all I didn't talk to anyone; I hid in a dark hall
Then I met a boy in Physical Education, P.E. who called me Gypsy, thanks to my skirts He introduced me to the rest of his friends and they eased life's hurts
My school saved my life; they helped me so very much My school may be called Lincoln but it has a mothers loving touch
And when I was homeless they helped me find a place to stay, They made sure I was safe and secure each and every day
They helped me overcome my issues with math and taught me more About poetry and rather than any door I could have opened I opened Lincolns Door
They taught me that I shouldn't be afraid to learn and no one would hurt me If I got things wrong, with praise and love I flourished and it is clear to see
I will always be a part of Lincoln and Lincoln a part of me, for only the lucky go to Lincoln, the place only the few picks That with college coming up Lincoln the home of the Phoenix
That High School will always have a part of my heart