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  Apr 2018 PM
Eric the Red best as I can remember
My grandmother
With her grandmother hands
Her grandmother
As we walked
So young as I was
Trailing behind
Mid afternoon sun
Up in the sky
So bright
So yellow
Then without a cloud in the sky
It began to rain
Small drops
Big drops
Little drops
Then none

grandma why did it rain without clouds?

Grandmother stopped her walk
Turned around and looked down

because the sun can be sad too

The sun can be sad too
PM Apr 2018
Does someone exist, in that big and endless universe,
who can complete my incomplete poems - every line, every verse?
PM Apr 2018
The day that I stumbled upon the wishing well,
The sun was out and the fresh spring flowers had a great smell.

The day that my life was about to change,
I was happy and looking forward to the day ahead - nothing strange.

The day I learned a great life lesson,
I believed my confidence and happiness were things no one could lessen.

The day I stumbled upon the wishing well,
I realised trust was very delicate indeed - encased in a fragile shell.

The day after I stumbled upon the wishing well,
The sun hid and the flowers fell,
And where my trust in people went.Well, No one could tell...

So you see, that day I learnt that no one does anything for free.
Wishes and the people that 'grant' them, provide only a temporary glee.
PM Apr 2018
Your one smile drives my worries away,
a constant companion when I was little, I miss you every day.

Your voice - kind and soothing, - flows like a river of gold,
and hearing you sing never gets old!

I don't know if I've ever told you how much you mean to me,
how, even the mere thought of seeing you fills me with glee.

This, is an accolade,
an accolade to the best sister the universe has ever made.
To the best big sis in the world..

From your baby sis :) xxxxxxxx
  Apr 2018 PM
Mary Frances
When I write, my feelings are bare
Showing skin and colors
Stripping naked like the breezy autumn air.

When I write, I'm torn between a lot of things
Just like the innocence of a child being corrupted and tainted by what the world brings.

When I write, I feel like a warrior equipped for war
And the armor I have are pen and paper.

When I write, it feels refreshing
Just like the break of the dawn, full of hope and sun rays gleaming.

When I write, I feel closer to you in every turn
My words are full of passion and never afraid of getting burned.
PM Apr 2018
They come in all shapes and sizes.
Just an idea or a thought - brought about by experiences or advises.

Some - like me - do not have an endless supply of ideas or a muse.
After all, we don't all have someone to look in the eye, glance into their soul and pick out something that into our poem we could infuse.
Just played around with the famous saying: "The eyes are the windows to the soul"
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