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720 · Nov 2019
Jane Nov 2019
It sits heavy on my heart
Stirs up my stomach
Twists me into knots
And I hate it.

Putrifaction in my veins
Rotting away my soul
Tearing my confidence to shreds
Digging deeper, desperate to taint.

Shiny. New. Small. Wanted.
Everything I'm not.
Dependable doesn't beckon bedfellows
When the unknown waltzes by in satin and ***.

Monstrous. Ever-present. Bellowing.
Inescapable are the doubts and fears
The panging need to be seen and held
As I was way back when.
600 · Aug 2021
Jane Aug 2021
The tears surge and abruptly halt, refusing to pierce through the pain and drain away the lava frustrations, agonising uncertainties
Angry skin raised with the mountain of grime clogging every pore of me
No purchase on my chin, my cheek
Witch's wart and inner ugliness seeps outward for all to see, my shame on display and unhealing
Wounded, winded, watery and wimp sick of weighted limbs and a expected disappointment
No tears to dry when you can't cry when you believe the lie when you cannot die
Jane Dec 2020
The grief-beast wakes different today.
This is not the cold, creaky ache of bannister limbs in winter
No, this time it's the warmth of my parents' rocking chair, walnut and familiarity and an exoskeleton of memory and fairytale intertwined with the weight of a loss that sits heavy on my lap, immobilising but I'm in no mood to leave the sadness of my seat.
And though it hurts and it burns and it erodes at my insides
I accept it, resigned for the moment and resolve to leave this safe coccoon another day when the world seems less formidable and my coarse exterior more malleable
to new life and fresh growth
470 · Feb 2021
Jane Feb 2021
feed me slices of apple cut with your penknife
under the old barren tree
twist your fingers in my hair, unkempt

lick at the trailing juices from my lip
travel south on my neck
smile into my flesh, huff my heady scent

grip me tighter, escape, venture inside
pour illicit prayers
in my mouth with foreheads pressed

glide through the path of the garden
lush in my summer prime
take all that I have and give in to temptation
443 · Jan 2020
Blue-tinted glasses
Jane Jan 2020
She deserved it.
Everyone agrees with me.
The signals mixing with the cocktails
and I don't even know what time it is.

She had it coming.
Her parents told her so.
I was acting like any guy would. Should.
Skin taunting. Hips hypnotising me with
That rhythmic pulsing

She wanted it.
How was I supposed to know
when she bit her
lip that way, flirted that
way, smiled that
way, dressed

She did it to herself.
It's not my fault.
That's the way things are, right?
Writing prompt: you are the villain, but unaware of it.
Jane Sep 2019
Take a pretty word and spin a lengthy verse
A thesaurus for breakfast and linguist for lunch
By dinner you'll be satiated and spitting lyrically of hunger and fullness
303 · Jan 2021
white horses
Jane Jan 2021
i'm adrift in an ocean destined to fill my lungs
with saline breaths
i expell frothy-mouthed howls
thrashing on the shore
grit and razor sharp
abrasions barely register
mortal flesh holds only grief
swallowed up with the tide
i tumble once more
pulled deeper
pressure mounting
darker and colder
numb, feeling, silent, still screaming
violent bubbles shoot for the surface
a mournful sign i'm yet living
awaiting calmer waters
with the rising moon
253 · Sep 2021
Sweet soil
Jane Sep 2021
a friend's autocorrect described me as 'sweet soil'
technological mishap, misnomer
right on the money
sweet soil soul
clad in terracotta warmth
fresh mulch with new rain as seasons change
home and distant at once
ready for bare feet and dirt under fingernails
care is messy, didn't you know
mother. nature. as earth is nurture and support for fragile roots
tender stems, new growth thriving despite harsh winters.

i sense an embroidery project for new gardening gloves
and fresh bulbs for colder climes
with changing season so too does a storm brew in me
all I can do is hope barkskin heals
sweet sap keep contained
and leaf flesh plump
for colour among the earthen tones
and rebirth sprouts hope
in echoing trunk-chests that forgot
decay is part of the lifecycle

how technology can still blossom
new life, connection
organic and born of bytes
not thorn-***** integration
plant and palm
but a symbiosis of metals from the earth
and well-rooted saplings
ready to weather the moon's teary refrain
as autumn slips in on the back of hazy September blues to grey
252 · Sep 2021
Persevere, sweet thing
Jane Sep 2021
Soul-full living is only ever just around the corner
248 · May 2021
Expiry date
Jane May 2021
Rotten flesh decaying in cold air
Everything good and sweet weeping
Spilling from dehydrating barriers
Unable to defend against it
Feasting and rampaging and ruining
Boxed air and watery remnants
Smeared on the wall
234 · Jun 2022
Jane Jun 2022
The breeze lifts branches and leafy fingers wiggle warmly in welcome
As older generations lean over cots to coo and soothe newborns
The barely there breeze washes away tension carried on the back of birdsong
And I am recharged under the sun's careful eye
233 · Sep 2019
Jane Sep 2019
Paint you words on my lips
Etch your heart on my flesh
Brand my soul to yours
Together we'll fly higher

228 · Oct 2019
Undo me
Jane Oct 2019
I burn for you
in the blackest midnight pitch.
Though you can't see
the flush in my cheeks.
Heart racing, breath quickens
and my heat undeniable.
I want this, want us
before ashy daylight steals
you away.
Jane Sep 2019
221 · Sep 2019
Jane Sep 2019
He makes me see stars and paints galaxies on my skin.
217 · Sep 2019
Feelings 19/8
Jane Sep 2019
angsty and antsy. unnamed emotions are clawing at my throat and i don't know which way is up anymore. everything's fuzzy and i feel myself slipping but my feet are cemented to the floor.
194 · Jun 2021
a year to Be
Jane Jun 2021
I'd find new ways to show him I love him and remind him his worth
I'd tend to my garden and fill every last space with leafy renewal
I'd bake once a week, never the same recipe twice except Gran's shortbread of course but that's an add-on
I'd tend to my herbs and mix up new gin cocktails on Fridays to welcome the weekend
I'd find a cafe to become a regular for casual routine
I'd continue with therapy and heal in my own time with no fretting over consequences or impacts or delays or coherence
I'd sit in the sunshine with podcasts and laugh freely, learn hungrily
I'd read books with soft characters and squishy middles and happy endings
I'd be insular and reach out and hibernate and flit as my needs ebbed and flowed with the social tide
I'd carry notebooks and write pen to paper with every whisper of inspiration in the brickwork and bird chatter
I'd touch the sea everyday no matter the weather
I'd accept the rain, welcome the blue skies, learn to roll through the thunder
I'd be still awhile and move and grow
I'd be free
What would you do with a year of no commitments except to yourself?
180 · May 2021
F sharp
Jane May 2021
There are some musical notes that reverberate in my chest and overwhelm me with emotion, deep ancient knowing. Clavicles unable to contain the swell, sounds of joy and sadness that spill from my lips freely, a whole-bodied keening.
174 · Oct 2019
Make it stop
Jane Oct 2019
Words tumble like broken glass from my mouth
Shards cutting my tongue and crunching between teeth

A demon claws at my chest, another stealing my breath
And I wish I would slip away but I'm all too aware

What will it take to quiet the screams
Ringing in my ears, catching in my throat
169 · Oct 2019
Maiden voyage
Jane Oct 2019
Trail pretty words across my skin
Promise me nothing and give me the world's ripe fruit
As I quench my thirst with your juices.
Etch stars behind mine eyelids
And capture my breath in your whisper
As you weave fantasy in my tapestry golden hues of wonder.
Unlocking mysteries with your lips.
Wrapping your hair in my hands.
We become as one.
Your hand on my throat. My waist. My thigh. My cheek. Me.

The new day brings adventure
And we young hearts will never wake the same
As we do tonight.
165 · Jul 2020
Uncomfortably numb
Jane Jul 2020
I think in feeling too much, I forgot what it means to feel at all
159 · Sep 2019
Gifts of anxiety
Jane Sep 2019
Reading into it too much.
Seeing things that aren't there.
Replaying interactions for intimate dissection.
Praying that wasn't the wrong thing to say.
Wishing the words would stop.
Hoping the silence will be filled by someone else.
Desperate for anything other than this.
154 · Sep 2021
Jane Sep 2021
Skin is sun warmed
but skeleton still rattles
desperate for soul heat
despite the fat on my sinew
and beige-lined stomach pit
last night's gin lingers
metal tongue, acid gullet
fuzzy head and discontent
my flesh doesn't fit
bad cut on my jib
across the grain
no diner satisfaction
from this dinner plate
carcass inedible
151 · Aug 2020
Stop hitting yourself
Jane Aug 2020
Childhood chants for childish ways
Misbehaviour, misdemeanor
Nothing permanent no new stains
Visible to the naked eye, anyway

Minds play tricks, what a treat
Mistrusting, misunderstanding
Brain's concoctions can't imagine
Attention isn't worth these pains

What goes up must come down
Misremember, misbegotten
Lies, pretense, silly fancies
Self doubt sees the stalwart slain

- Questioning my insanity, a double-edged gaslight burns me at both ends but I no longer feel the flame
145 · Oct 2019
Once is never enough
Jane Oct 2019
Hot flames lick up my belly and ribs
Digits dance along my thighs
Curl inward
Lust metallic on my tongue
Desperation seeping
A white knuckle ride
Wound tight and buttons press
Unlocking ancient truths
Old as time, new as dawn
Chasing that wave as it swells
From the feet and up through
Every nerve ending
Heat radiates and sweat pools
Evidence of the relief
As the fire reignites
143 · Oct 2021
Seasonal depression
Jane Oct 2021
When I try to put to words
the daily agony of living
I build a boundary wall of word bricks
I limit the reality of this ostensibly
embodied existence
For it is not solely contained
beneath my flesh
at the base of pores
knotted in bone.

It escapes me with every breath
Every word
Every salty tear
This pain of living palpates
And to try to capture it in words
Suggests it can be caught
pinned down
identified, categorised, objectified
Subjected to investigation
When in fact it is elusive
Utterly terrible
136 · Dec 2019
Hug many
Jane Dec 2019
The sky turns purple grey on the last aft of the decade and I can't help but lean into the flirtatious nature of newness and clean slate (even if only until the sun rises anew)
Goodbye 2019
131 · Sep 2019
Jane Sep 2019
Jumbled heart and tied tongue-
the fog does more than cloud my eyes.
Judgement, the way out, none of it is clear.
But still I stumble on
129 · Oct 2019
Late night delight
Jane Oct 2019
Witching hour
Temptation at its peak
Traveling south
Heat beckons
Soft and ready
Pulling you in
And under
After midnight
Up above
As below
Explorers delve
In inky midnight
Flesh meets flesh
Souls ignite
Chanting tongues
Jane Dec 2021
A wire has come loose
Connection faulty
Body fraught, skin hot
Electricity misfires
Muscles spasm
Energy bubbling
In my scapula
Mouth corner slipping
Arm numb
Palm sparking
Twisting and stretching
Satellite sobbing
Deep breathing
No relief
No change
Constant dissonance
Between realities
Skin deep and surface
No mental switch flip
I'm present, with it
And utterly frustrated
Body in disarray
Thoughts gathered neatly
It makes no sense
This physical betrayal
And the disconnect
On edge
Over it all
Invisible lights blinking
Guiding path
To misery and beyond
Body anxious and brain unaffected, too hurt to be numb, too empty to feel
126 · Sep 2021
bumblebee blessings
Jane Sep 2021
My parents have several families of bees living in the garden
burrowed in flowerbeds and settled in the stone wall.
Watching their trips between the plants, I recalled the slowness I promised myself
the kindness I am not yet handling myself with
New habits take time
Minding myself with intentionality can only result in a necessary balance
recognising abundance
A lesson from the earth
grounding and growing.
What a gift, what a day, what a pause.

Equally rejuvenated and bone-tired
hopeful for snoozy weeks of fleecy gratitude ahead
as September beckons
an autumnal colour palette forth
and a chilled air steals the heat
from the hazy, distanced sun.
Jane Jun 2022
They've moved on
I am stuck - oscillating
Moving and immobile
Cycling through memories
Nausea, pain, no relief
Suspended in a reality
They are unwilling to recognise
Better to hide behind closed eyes
To ensure their own pleasure
Can be chased
While I pray to porcelain gods
Begging for a break
Desperate for comfort
Terrified of connection
Clawing at intimacy
As if sure it will disappear if
I so much as blink
Their disbelief dragging along my collarbone
Their impatience lancing through my jaw socket
Their indignation sliding down my bicep
Their ignorance burrowed under my shoulder blade
Their dismissal coating my pelvis
That is what he put in me-
When he crossed that boundary
Forgotten latex in pursuit of self-gratification
No protection from the devastation
And they chose him.
Consequences that rip my skin
Decimate my identity
The violence of their abandonment is unrelenting
In its refusal to let up let me go let me be

It's never Just
It's never Only
It's always Ruin
CW: ****** assault inference
122 · Feb 2021
Outside the lines
Jane Feb 2021
I can't put into words what I'm feeling just now and it's maddening because the emotions and physical manifestations are so visceral and the language completely intangible, tearing up dictionaries in twelve languages to accurately pinpoint what bubbles furiously beneath the surface, ready to boil over, spill outside the lines of my corpse

I could rip myself in two and splatter the searing hot everything on paper and still not make sense of the colours and violent slashes and lost lines and marks of hesitation and deep etchings that imprint far beyond the page I marr with scribblings, half-word annotations and empty, unsatisfying compounds falling short of sentences that ooze the right mouth feel, instead reminiscent of chewing plasticine

Empty coffins lie in wait for exorcised ghosts in ink or graphite or hot condensation to finally put to rest a body fraught, haunted by memory and nightmare and razor sharp reality embroiled, inseparable, to cut the cord would end it all but to leave it a ribbon wrapped around my throat will surely suffocate me under its weighty expectation - head rolling or at least mind racing as life and limb are lost, mere casualties of an unseen war but one whose battle scars invisible and insurmountable leave little option but to extoll one final silent scream
122 · Sep 2019
Jane Sep 2019
a heart full of Norah Jones
but the pounding staccato is
not soothed by breathy velvet

built under a cerulean sky
bones of Tori Amos
soul of Fiona Apple
*** of Erin McKeown

make me a sapphire woman
hard edges and smooth plains
build me up and let me shatter:
Stevie Nicks untouched.

inky midnight colours me
drowning in its conflicting
warmth and chill
and still my veins sing the blues
119 · Dec 2019
cracked. open.
Jane Dec 2019
But it's the pain in my chest, the eternal ache that threatens to pull me under with its suffocating weight, that I can't shake. It's haunting in its omnipresence. Through laughter, joy, excitement and the darkness. The dread. The emptiness. It would be a numbness but for the crushing pain that paralyses my tongue and deprives my screams their ******, traumatic entrance to the world as they rip from my throat. It's a good thing too, that forcible, formidable silence. I don't think I would know how to stop screaming if I let one pass my lips. Such a damning fate it is, to feel so wholly. Visceral and excruciating. Endless and final. To feel nothing at all, though, would not save me from the worst of it. The feeling I flee from, the one that pushes me to chase down any other emotion and clasp it tight in my heart, regardless of hurt. Anything is better than loneliness.
A middling verse, where the rest remain obscured
118 · Oct 2019
Jane Oct 2019
He loves me
He wants her
I'll bend over backwards
Turn my stomach inside out
Sit home and pick myself apart
The ugly outside and in
Wishing I was more, less, better, not
Knowing all the while it's not me
But his too big heart and too much lust
Desperate to connect
And I know that desperation well
I had a him and a her and a them
He let me connect with
Encouraged, even
So the guilt wraps around me
Vice-like and unrelenting
Because I owe him this freedom
Without my hesitation and fear
I'll bite my tongue
Grin with blood soaked teeth
And let him roam awhile
Praying he'll return without resentment
In his belly
As he takes in his fill of her.
117 · Dec 2021
Blue Christmas
Jane Dec 2021
Pockets of joy and unburdened silliness
But now I sit in a chilled bath
Wishing away hot tears
Lonely as ever with my heart's love in the room next door
I can contain all this, but would prefer it be a day
Not so commercially wrapped up in enforced gratitude, platitudes
Peace and goodwill
My chest aches
No hunger to be sated
But sickness is heavy on me
May a morning of box shredding
Bring lighter winds to carry me through
112 · Jan 2022
Jane Jan 2022
I look down and my sadness
weighs on me
I am heavy with hunger
But it is nothing like the weight
that my body is forced to carry
that I am forced to carry
After years of
shovel hands
thunderous teeth
kilos slip from shoulders to waistline
Legs might be stronger
But my back breaks all the same
Wretched, ravenous
Abstinence makes the mind grow obsessive
But a four days of counting and
no dress for the occasion
without looking fit to burst
Hot flash of anger in the pan
Sizzling shame
My faults spilling out for all to see
How utterly unappetising
So when my mouth waters
I look down
112 · Dec 2021
Jane Dec 2021
I have a sob stuck
in my lower right lung
it won't (or can't) dislodge
on its own
twisting, dancing, laughing,
stretching, forcing - nothing works.
Little pops and groans as muscles
protest and I along with them
hate moving every which way
but the pressure is mounting
so I keep trying to worm this
little collection of tears
down and away.

I imagine the lobe like
a jacket's third pocket
pressed against my ribs
safe and secret
close to my vest.
Perhaps that's why
it got trapped there
it's warm, feels secure
and near the feeling part
my traitorous heart
so I try coaxing the tears
with sad thoughts and fears
but to no avail
it won't get lost
or maybe it is lost
because sobs should be stuck
in throats
not in lungs
not that my body has ever
done its job right
all mixed up signals
weak muscles
too-old bones
and feelings aren't supposed
to sit in the meat sack
rattling skeleton
clogging arteries
stealing breaths
though my lung's filling fine
despite this new obstruction.

The little sob in my chest pocket
whose zip teeth won't unclench
so my back is up
unsure how to carry this extra weight
without giving out
body caving in
and I'm on my knees
emotionally capped
carrying this orb of sadness
all blue and heavy and wet
it's no surprise the sob
wanted a place to rest
so constant, predictable
expand, release
breathe in, exhale
rhythmic and vital and alive
tapping into that space
a reminder, a grounding
present and here and continuing on
survival mode engaged
motions and habit and back to basics
until I can tap into the memories
the fears or the thoughts
that chased this sob from tear ducts
to ribcage for safe keeping.
110 · Mar 2021
The long way home
Jane Mar 2021
1 2 /3 4 /5 6 /7 8/ 9 10
I count my steps as soon as my feet leave the bus and carry me home, not thinking of my path, it's ingrained in my body
4 counts of ten and 3 to the traffic light
Balancing on the kerb-edge, anticipating the Green Man - the only man to keep me safe in the dark
7 steps to the other side, a small blessing of lockdown is the lack of noise and stale ***** and rowdy laughter spilling out of the four pubs I'd pass, no swerving or increasing my speed, shoulders up at earlobes and eyes trained on the concrete, whole body screaming
Please don't notice me
The streets now are eerie, the silence brings no comfort
Only heightened awareness of every rustling leaf in a city battered by easterly winds
And I can't catch my breath
6 more 10s and 8, 9
From the corner of my eye a shadowbeast grows and on instinct (self-preservation, conditioning, societal training) my hands are bitten by metal teeth in my pocket
A painful protection, the irony is not lost on me that my only protection outside my door is that which keeps others away in my absence
But the shadow is someone moving to their car so I relax infinitesimally
There are still more steps to go
Coming up for the park, what they call a hot spot but hot for what, all I feel is cold and alone
It's badly lit, filled with teenaged hoots and hollering, kids letting off steam and who can blame them couped up and schooling at home
But their shouts and laughter ricochet sinister and all I can think is What if no one hears me scream?
Finally hurrying past the playpark and the swings creak with too-big boys hanging from too-old frames
I look away and press on, my feet subconsciously pounding with the music blaring from a phone
Disembodied voices decrying the ******* and hoes to silent replies
Another 60 steps and the rats scurry in the bush, I used to shudder but now I recognise their twitchy anticipation, ready at a moment's notice to drop their morsels and run for cover because the intention of the passerby is not my perogative
And the underbrush serves rodents well for hiding in the dark
My own camouflage comes in reflective patches seen by the street lamps, a token honing beacon to oncoming pavement traffic and cars on the roads
I Am Here - See Me
But also don't, let me merge with the stone and concrete that I may pass unnoticed, unwatched, unlabelled
The earphones hang heavy, empty, a prop in the farcical show - blasé ownership of the ground I travel
This is my space and you won't take it from me
This is my body and you won't take it from me
This is my life and you won't take it from me
Not a statement but a plea silent and screamed and etched on my body and painted on my face
But you won't see it in my eyes because they are married to the cracked tarmac and tree-root rebellion pushing against obsidian skies
At night there is no connection with strangers unless their feet fall like yours
pretend power and child-in-mother's-heels certainty
These are inherited steps, a legacy of communal mourning and communiqué
The last street to cross
Cars are few, but ritual demands I take in this T-junction
Safety First
I am king of the road, watch me step
1 2 3 4 strides to the homestretch
So now I count the doors
Only 9 chances of being pulled into a close
I'm blinded by a car at full beam
The secure garage door opens and I am trapped
Rabbit-hearted and deer-spooked
Unsure who's behind the wheel, if I can pass ahead
I wait, lungs filled with lead until only brake lights are visible to me at the road end
I'm jumpy tonight, I note
4 doors
And I turn into the carpark
Sticking to the lit pavement
Weaving quickly between vehicles and I'm at the building door
Two flights of stairs and a landing between take 29 steps, I skip a few in anticipation
8 more strides in pitch black - none of our door lights work just now and despite the secure entry system I still speed up
Until the sweetest sound of all
That familiar metal click
786 steps to safety
And as I rest my head on the cool wood interior, I count myself lucky that in here I am promised security
Unlike the thousands of others whose homes are no safer than the streets
A sure sign of the long road yet to be travelled, whose destination may promise a world where we matter
Jane Sep 2019
Hello, my name is etiquette and I would like to see from you behaviour we expect

Hello, my name is self respect and I would like to share with you a revolution'ry idea

Hello, my name is mutual trust
Hello, my name is social norms
Hello, my name is flirting girls
Hello, my name is handsome boys
Hello, my name is open relationship
Hello, my name is hoping for the best
Hello, my name is less than ideal
Hello, my name is pretty, threatening
Hello, my name is married but still prettier. Smarter. Funnier. Sexier. Gamer. Relatable. Attractable.

This **** will change your life
This **** will change your life

107 · Feb 2021
Jane Feb 2021
it's hard to put words to the want
pulling at the pit of my belly
speeding the pulsing fire
desperation to be claimed
skin deep isn't close enough
fill my head with your secrets
the ones you only take out in the darkest hours
placed gingerly in your bed
half-covered in blankets
coloured in shame and seedy regret
plant them, sow your desires
I want to **** your soul
Jane Dec 2020
a split lip, tongue dancing along
the rivulets of blood welcomed by gravity
downward, staining my white cotton shirt
finally painting myself with/of

there's something so visceral
exposing that which is to be contained
beneath an easily breached exterior
to the outside world and making
art out of horror and gore.

a knife through butter
skimming stones disturbing water
your lips at my pulsepoint
and your hands in my ribcage
all natural (or nature?)
achoring me to the world while
relieving me of it

is there really much morbidity in
fascinations of the body
depravity in the infinite ways
to desecrate holy ground so

feeling skin stretch and tear
with a flash of teeth and dimpled cheeks
warmth spreads through my belly
aching for more; twisted confirmation that
i am, in fact,
And in their triumph die, like fire and powder, Which, as they kiss, consume
107 · Oct 2019
Come hither
Jane Oct 2019
Tingles ripple slowly along my spine
Breath wraps around my neck
Fingers trail down my sternum
Need coarses through my veins
Touches between my thighs
Kisses planted across my chest
Delights whispered in my ear
Tongue explores my mouth
Circles drawn on my sensitive flesh
Stars explode behind my eyelids
Arms hold my limp body
She makes me beautiful
106 · Dec 2019
Jane Dec 2019
awhile on my heart
let yourself be
known as you are
not as they say
you must be
built anew
in your own reflection
as you are
safe in here
I promise
Happy Hogmanay
105 · Jul 2020
hazy sunny heart
Jane Jul 2020
soundtracking my summer, soft and wistful
a teen nostalgia time capsule
of angst and wide-eyed innocence
simplicity wrapped in pastel softness
sugar mice, 99s, Boys Like Girls - how fitting
as thunder rolls in to clear the skies
for sunny promises and late night kisses
undiluted joy with barely mixed ***
sweet on my lips and salt at the waistline
warming our skin through windows
as gulls pepper the soundwaves
how magnificent the glory days are
reborn, revisited, revitalised
with today's knowledge
and back then's hope
danced and tiptoed and sprinted through
to songs of child hearts and dreamer tongues
Jane Nov 2021
Today I celebrate the fact I'm living, messily
With fragility and passion
Eyes-open optimism
Never more cherished or overwhelmed
Teary with adoration for the ones who recognise my
Yearning and learning
Sparkle and the tarnished silver
Ever growing and humbled
Veritably terrified by the future's uncertainties
Even still cultivating a
Nourished soul, I am here - loving
104 · Jul 2021
Salt water
Jane Jul 2021
Tides are changing and the moon's pull draws breath from my lungs, refilling my body, bouyant

And as I lie there in the achingly frigid water I am overwhelmed by the exhaustion barely kept at bay, sinking

Pausing for a moment opens the floodgates and I am pulled downward as the weight of my world pins me to the floor, stagnant

How much longer can I continue this path of distraction, ruining myself from inside out, purging only the scantest of my full grief, simmering

It won't take much more to topple this body of cards, no tarot reading necessary to define my tears, flooding
104 · Nov 2019
Jane Nov 2019
No room for closed minds
in a sea of writhing bodies
Plenty for the lonely
as I sit surrounded by noise
Empty but for the heaviness
inside every part of me.

Be good, be gracious, be willing
don't ruin this for them
Be happy, be into it, be excited
don't let your selfishness override.

Bending and bending
over and out of shape
Twisting this way and that
to ensure your happiness
That you get your fill
of small, beautiful, better.

But now as I shatter
all I feel is guilty
Questions dizzying
and stomach turns.

Why am I not enough?
103 · Aug 2021
Dear Jane
Jane Aug 2021
You’re 17 years old and things are probably feeling a bit overwhelming. Surprise: that feeling kind of never goes away. It’s okay though, because you’re going to get a hell of a lot better at understanding the swirling dervish of thoughts, feelings, and experiences you’ll navigate as you get older.

It’s a bit weird talking to you, but I know how lost you feel. The good news is you have so many amazing things coming up. You’ll go to university, you’ll graduate (even though it is an utter slog, completely devastating and in many ways you’ll be convinced it wasn’t worth the tears – it was). You’ll land an internship and quickly learn that you’re in a generational sweet spot which offers you job insights your superiors will never understand. You’ll continue being wordy, writing and publishing with various magazines. You’ll meet some excellent humans, some not so excellent, and you’ll have your heart broken (or break your own heart) a dozen times over. It’ll be worth it.

You’ll meet a man who gathers you up while your breakup is still raw, your trust frayed, and your nerve lost. He’ll offer patience, Star Wars and burritos to soothe the ache in your chest. He’ll listen, laugh, and console you. He’ll remind you that there are so many great things in the world and it’s only with time you’ll come to understand just how special those things are.

You’re so eager to be grown up, to be at that place where you’re not scared anymore. Not left behind or ahead of the curve, just exactly where you’re meant to be. But that’s the secret – you’ll never be anywhere but where you’re supposed to be. You have the power to change your course if that’s what you need. You have the power to own your space, your decisions, your relationships, and your knowledge. You were sold a misguided truth growing up that the best is yet to come. That’s nonsense, really. The best is already here. The best is knowing you can wake up each day and carve out the past that best serves you.

You’re going to grow up to be an ardent feminist and advocate for human rights. Which makes sense when you think about what a self-righteous little **** you can be, and why the debate club leader was so sad you wouldn’t join. Your eyes will be opened to the atrocities of the world, and what feels like a bigger crime: the complacency of the masses. You’ll be exhausted fighting for what’s right, what’s fair, what’s equitable. It will be thankless work a lot of the time, but you’ll do it because you have such defined standards. You’ll learn to build boundaries, to protect your energy, to identify the causes worth throwing your all at and, eventually you’ll be supported in learning how to slow down, how to say no, how to not stretch yourself so thin your transparency leaves you bare and vulnerable. A hard lesson that will need constant reaffirming, but such a vital one.

One day, you’ll wake up and be ready to trust in the process. To find peace in the now, not be chasing an undefined future perfect, not be ill at ease in your own skin, not be troubled by standing still and taking in the beauty of the now. Grounding your feet in the floor, stopping to take in the plants you’ve nurtured, the relationship you’ve grown in, the home you’ve cultivated, the friendships you’ve developed. You’ll start to see just how much time you’ve spent fretting over futures and possibilities and uncertainties you never had a hope in hell of controlling.

That’s it, really. Control over everything is a pipedream and despite the desperation clawing at you to be able to touch something tangible, something certain, something so real and unmovable and eternal, there’s just no way for you to find that outside yourself. You’re getting to grips with that realisation now, and it still makes you cry, howl at the unfairness and thrash against the suffocating limits of reality. But you’ll also realise just how futile that is, laugh through those tears and settle in to figure out what the real root of your discomfort is. You’ll see how tired you are, how hard you’ve been working to make yourself better, and how pointless that framing is. You’ll commit to stepping away from self-defeating narratives and driving compassion for yourself and the world. God knows the world can use more compassion.

You’ll even return to university, despite your tumultuous experience in undergrad. Maybe partly because of it. You can’t let anyone else have the last word, after all, and will stop at nothing to prove yourself capable. You’ll learn more during that PhD than you’ll learn in your previous 25 years because it’s not just about the thesis. It’s hardly about the thesis at all. It’s about personal growth and development, it’s about finding ways to forgive your past thoughts, feelings, and experiences, and set up the best chance at self-kindness for the future. You’ll ruminate on some painful topics, explore the murky waters of the human condition, and you’ll still come out of it hopeful. Because, as you’ll realise in your exploration of violence online, it’s all about vulnerability. And vulnerability is beautiful. Vulnerability is the space for creativity, for growth, for changing direction, for exploring and for shifting stagnant, broken systems into forces for real, tangible change. Not just in governmental infrastructure or on but in yourself, too.

It’s such a painful relearning, unlearning, learning process. It’s messy (which I suppose is lucky because you never do learn how to keep your bedroom floor tidy, nor do you get over your aversion to ironing). And in that mess is opportunity. You just need to remember that your life, your ideas, your path not looking like other people’s doesn’t mean it’s wrong or lesser or a bad fit. It fits because it’s yours. You will have so much going for you and you’ll not always see it, but luckily you have friends and a partner who will remind you whenever you need it. And you’ll keep writing. Horrible, angsty, teenager poetry that makes you cringe and keeps you satisfied in equal measure. You’ll expel the worst of your thoughts, the most painful of your feelings, in an anonymous journal and it’ll be so cathartic. You’ll keep using your words to map your journey because it’s the only way you know how to communicate. You’ll still fear being misunderstood, but the panic won’t clutch you in a vice grip the same. You’ll let go (some) of that belief that misperception is the worst you can suffer – you’ll recognise that being misunderstood, misinterpreted, misconstrued is part of the mess of communication. You’ll even revel in it and explore it in academic settings as well as personal writings. You’ll see it’s somewhat a universal experience to feel not listened to, not truly heard. And you’ll grow a chosen family of active listeners, of empathetic, charismatic, compassionate souls who hear you and engage with you in ways you could never have dreamed, matching your passion toe to toe and giving you space to monologue as you pick apart ideas and theories in real time, and you’ll feel so cherished and accomplished in their company because they want to share space and energy with you. You will nourish each other in ways you can’t begin to put into words, it’s visceral and ethereal and intangible. It’s magic.

Time is a funny old thing. It’s intimately wrapped up in every experience – the past, the present, the future. The immediate experience of a thing, the aftermath, the impacts we can’t possibly predict but will undoubtedly live through down the line. Patience wasn’t really ever your strong suit, but you’ll learn to slow (if not stop) and take great pleasure in the minutia, wonder at that truly magnificent things in your life – the truly magnificent people that make your life all the richer.

Basically, you’ll be alright kiddo. Have faith in the process if you can’t find faith in yourself. The faith in yourself will come with time, a good few crying jags and a lot of positive reinforcement from very special people. It takes a village to raise a baby, so it makes sense it takes a community to grow a well-rounded soul like you.

You’re golden, Jane. You’ll see it one day.

Love, Jane
Therapy homework (writing a letter to 17 year old me) has never been so hard, so necessary, so painful, so cathartic, so precise, so vague, so everything and more. The path to healing seems more recognisable now. She'd be proud of me, I think.
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