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Jun 2021
I'd find new ways to show him I love him and remind him his worth
I'd tend to my garden and fill every last space with leafy renewal
I'd bake once a week, never the same recipe twice except Gran's shortbread of course but that's an add-on
I'd tend to my herbs and mix up new gin cocktails on Fridays to welcome the weekend
I'd find a cafe to become a regular for casual routine
I'd continue with therapy and heal in my own time with no fretting over consequences or impacts or delays or coherence
I'd sit in the sunshine with podcasts and laugh freely, learn hungrily
I'd read books with soft characters and squishy middles and happy endings
I'd be insular and reach out and hibernate and flit as my needs ebbed and flowed with the social tide
I'd carry notebooks and write pen to paper with every whisper of inspiration in the brickwork and bird chatter
I'd touch the sea everyday no matter the weather
I'd accept the rain, welcome the blue skies, learn to roll through the thunder
I'd be still awhile and move and grow
I'd be free
What would you do with a year of no commitments except to yourself?
Written by
Jane  27/UK
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