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 Sep 6 Peter Garrett
Living in a cornfield.
YOU gain perspective.
There are ryes and ears all around.
So breath deep and walk silently.

Old people like me, we just fade away.
Into your nightmares........
NOTES - 9.5.24 - POV =  It's good to be real. In my mind anyways.
 Sep 6 Peter Garrett
I just do what I want to do.
To someone else’s chagrin.
Wish they would just frigging leave me alone.
So I can be with Him.
Notes – just sayin.................the date...9524 hike!

Once again, another version of Hai-coo. It's an 5-7-7-10-5 (includes title).
When I got there last night
his daughter came out of
her room and said,
yay you’re here!
She ran over to hug me
and I told her she looked taller.
She said, I am!
She plopped down on the couch
and began telling me about
everything she had done since
I’ve seen her last.
She was playing with the same
marble I had been the weekend before.
Then she looked at the table
and said,
You left your necklace here!
I acted like I didn’t know
and said,
oh yeah! I’ve been looking for it.
She noticed.

He hadn’t said anything
to me all week,
but he watched me
put it back on.
A newfangled philosophy

There are people
look at
Elephant and a Mouse
Can’t tell

Have you seen the picture of
Sweeping in
Eat the
The mouse
Stand up
Flips the bird
at the
Last defiance

Sometimes in life,
That’s all we can do

Inspired song
1) Roxy 3 eye of the Tiger- Survivor
(official video)
BLT Webster’s Word of the Day challenge
Newfangled 8-23-24
Attracted to novelty of the newest style or kind contemporary, modern up-to-date modernistic
do you only ever see people in color
when they are gone?

when they have taken all their tints and tones,
leaving you empty,
black and white?

do i have to leave
for you to see me
in all of mine?
 Sep 5 Peter Garrett
"Real poetry".
It beats the alternative.
Or does it.

It beats tearing down all that I don’t like
Or does it.

Rhyme, rhythm and drums are for The Turtles.
Best leave words well enough alone for me.
9424 – NOTES – to self.
I'd still smile fondly, looking at you;
Knowing the future having us will never be true.
I've begged for you for so long
There's a hole in my carpet
And bruises on my knees
But it doesn't feel wrong
If I bled out for you
You'd only see a mess
You heard me !
I don't write silly love poems anymore .
At best they become bleak .
They are the ships at sea scuttled by storm .
The aircraft that lose power and crash into the ground .
The miners of affection when the roof comes down .
Don't ask or make a sound .
I'm committed to silence so don't you mess around .
THEIR evermores doomed from first kiss and sworn bliss .
From the cradled vows
to the certain anyhows
Don't ask me about love poems anymore .
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