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Dears never feel the pain of your loss
But hold hands together and in that
Moment know you have a part of me
That is with your heart always there.

Love Mumxxxx
Always in the background
           Never to be found
Yet always seem to be in the spotlight
           Standing on solid ground...
We all know someone like this....
You are a breeze
That storms my heart
And in the rubble of things
I always find my pieces
Then I look at you
And my wreckage is rescued
Simple seeds
Turned roots of trees
Built on lies
The most famous
‘Everything is Fine’
Climbing the branches
Escalating the deception
Until there is no way down
No savior around
A prison of invention
Forged by the best intentions
A forest of fabrication
In the spirit of deception
tell me why love must hurt
explain it to me, draw it out
a diagram, intricately elaborate
like a four overlay ventricle & canticle
of the human heart in all its muscular

mo-mo is 4, a tiny inmate
we live in max security
her secrets already hidden like tricks
me, the unwilling turnkey, the hack

stash of blood polish for her walls
spells out forbidden messages to  ?
stealing everything with a "no" on it
social graces create master thief

society has never worked for me
why push it on her, in her wild grace?
let us set her free, free of false rule

free to hear the pulse of her true
life is so real, and so in my face
what is most wanted is not often
even breathed aloud, nor dreamed

seeking a dream of the senses
a tree who waits for me
to climb him, in velvet

while wolves & witches bark
full moon sails over our heads
so we can see the eyes of us

this is me climbing up your perfect limbs
my arms, legs, toes, grip you everywhere
all I hope for is to ascend to win

only need everything, now
all of you, all of me meets tonight
way past time, way beyond space

breathless, full of hope
learning to sob in joy &
land in your solid arms

grateful to be held
so close to you
for so long
hold me
more of a chant than a poem
"Jung and Freud wrestling
at mouth of the Cavern
Wearing bearskins
about their *****
full of filth, with sharpened claws

facing off again & again
since the dawn of every
Century, forever locked
in such tight embrace

one is tempted to call them
"Brothers in Arms"
but it is a bit more serious
than that, I see."

Hush, no laughing!
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