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  Apr 2014 Petal pie
Sean Critchfield
I secretly hope
She doesn't learn from our past
So she'll repeat me.
Petal pie Apr 2014
My moral compass has gone askew
In truth I flung it away
Like caution to the wind

Here I'm ready for adventures
Take me on a sensory journey
Guide me on a trail of wonder

Lift me up to flights of fancy
Roll with me in meadows
Skinny dip in azure seas

Lets cross unchartered waters
Taste new exotic foods
Sip from my overflowing cup

And we'll set up camp
and explore the undulating
peaks and valleys
of our own landscapes ;-)
bit cheeky!
Petal pie Apr 2014
Complacency dissolves today
for His selflessness
tore down the curtain divide
Petal pie Apr 2014
Could anyone recommend any web pages of poetry prompts? I feel it would help me to have some structures and prompts to get me writing more regularly. x

Many thanks :-)
Kindest regards,
Petal **
On a busy downtown corner
As the traffic passes by
Stands a man with a cardboard sign
Can't seem to look me in the eye

But he's going to live, forever, somewhere
So help me God
I've got to show him
How much you care

At a big bank on wall street
With its fancy marble floors
Walks in a man in a business suit
As his chauffeur holds the door

But he's going to live, forever, somewhere
So help me God
I've got to show him
How much you care

Every face that I pass by
I see you on the cross
Bearing all our guilt and sin
Not one of us should be lost

I'm going to take this message
Of love that I've found
And somehow share it with this world
So help me God

In a courtroom with its wooden chairs
Sits a little boy and girl
Their mom and dad are fighting
Their little eyes so scared

But their going to live, forever, somewhere
So help me God
I've got to show them
How much you care

On the third floor up in ICU
With a bandage on his head
He may not make it till tomorrow
Was the last thing the doctor said

But he's going to live, forever, somewhere
So help me God
I've Got to show him
How much you care

Every face that I pass by
I  see you on the cross
Baring all my guilt and sin
Not one of us should be lost

I'm going to take this message
Of love that I've found
And somehow share it with this world
So help me God
I would love to take full credit for this poem but my contribution is small and I added only one of the 4 stanzas. Two great lifelong friends of mine named Bob Browning and Ed Dixon we're the main writers.  Eddie passed of brain cancer four years ago and Bobby and I miss him very much. The reference to the ICU is a reference about Eddie. This poem is listed in his honor.

Edward M. Dixon
Robert G. Browning
Carl Joseph Roberts
Sometimes, it is the beauty we see in others
Despite them not seeing it for themselves
That shows us that, sometimes
What some may see as flawed or imperfect
Is nothing less than the rarest of beauty
So many fail to see it in themselves
That they begin to fail to see it on others, as well
For it gets harder to trust and to love
When so many only use their words as masks
Deceiving those who hold true to respect and honor
Until they fake their way in so as to take and abuse
And then tear them down
Oblivious to the pain they have inflicted
Sometimes proud of it
So many times causing such good hearted people
To believe it is they who have done something wrong
Until the loving person they were begins to fade
Retreating in to a shell of depression, darkness, self loathing, and hopelessness
Forgetting or denying how truly beautiful they are
And when someone finally sees in another
The same things they have failed to see in themselves
It opens their eyes
It awakens their soul
As hearts start to mend
Until there is beauty to be seen in the darkness again
Never gone, but merely overlooked and ignored
Once again shining forth in understanding
There is someone, just as they, who knows what it is to suffer
In every doubt, worry, and fear
In wounds self inflicted or forced on by others
Whether physically or emotionally
And they begin to see the beauty in others, again, as well
In honor, truth, sincerity, and respect
Finally realizing for themselves much the same
Despite those who merely pretend so as to take and to harm
Until the darkness isn't so dark
Loneliness isn't so lonely
And even the worst of the pain can bring smiles
Shared between two perfectly imperfect souls
Who have found beauty in the world once again
By finding beauty in each other, and in themselves
When so many still refuse to see the same
Finding beauty in the darkness
Where once they could only find pain
Iris peels back
three generous petals,
ample in exposure,
a gravitationally drawn
dress, *******,
with drops and folds, a downward-
opening, bares elegant anatomy,
stripped from the waist
of a lighter three petals, lifting,
inside, reflective,
reaching skywards, and naked
ribbed with natural frill,
raw with the colours of flower flesh
white tiger stripes
and purple veins,
curling towards the ground like tears
and lifting up like laughter,
with centered yellow streaks
that lead into the heart,
where another tri-petal formation
folds in on itself,
as if to contain some sacred secret
that is gently holding at her *****

    a trinity
    within a trinity
    within a trinity
    of beauty

her naked convolutions coil into
just the right amount of earthly space,
so perfectly held there in the air
with poised and dancing stillness,
the perfect allure
of a delicate goddess,
rooted in the ground
but living also
inside the I,
elevated by the gaze
into limitless imaginal expanse,
no mere flower, in relation
                she is
                an entrance
                into love
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