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May 2020 · 232
In My Dream
Paul Gilhooley May 2020
I thought I heard your voice last night,
I heard it in my dream,
You told me all will be alright,
As things aren't what they seem.

I'm sure I heard your voice last night,
You whispered in my ear,
You told me please don't be afraid
As all will become clear.

I know I heard your voice last night,
You told me don't be scared,
I wasn't there as you passed away,
I missed your final word.

I always hear your voice at night,
When things aren't what they seem,
I know that things will be alright,
Because you tell me in my dream.

Cinco Espiritus Creation
May 2020
On another night of broken sleep recently, I believed I heard my Gran's voice call to me.  She died several years ago and I wasn't there when she passed.  I don't tend to believe in the supernatural, but if I did, I would read this as her telling me that she is safe and no longer suffering.
May 2020 · 253
Paul Gilhooley May 2020
Long, long ago,
Like the Lord of the Rings,
An epic tragedy formed,
At this start of all things.

Many moons have now passed,
Since I was asked by a friend,
"Write a poem about Covid",
"To look back at the end"

Government guidance unclear,
Shambolic, inept,
"Stay at home" oft they cried,
As alone in their homes, many thousands they died.

They dillied, they dallied,
From their safe ivory towers,
As the funerals passed by,
With no grieving or flowers.

Many suns have now set,
Countless days have since past,
With families left absent,
As dear relatives breathed their last.

Staying away must be tough,
But it's what you must do,
Harsh they appear, but these are the rules,
Tho not meant for me, they apply just to you.

This Europe we've left,
With our death rate immense,
Now this Europe we lead,
Our leaders bereft of simple common sense.

Then there's that bloke called Cummings,
And his car trip while blind,
On his wee jaunt to Durham,
Tho if you or I, we'd be heavily fined.

But we're not all angels, we must share some blame,
Being "all about me", so selfish our goals,
Stocking up on pasta and hand sanitiser too,
Oh and of course, we can't forget bog rolls.

Basic hygiene was lacking, or so it appears,
Like being back at school,
Wash your hands all the time,
20 seconds the rule.

Simple instructions we were given,
So easy to follow,
Delivered by leaders,
With emotions so hollow.

On how poorly it's been managed,
So much could be said,
But the one thing that matters,
Is tens of thousands lie dead.

So! My feelings on Johnson?
If you ask I'll be blunt,
But to fit with my rhyming,
This poem "is to be cont..."
I was asked back in March to write a poem about the current situation, but I wasn't in the right place mentally.  So here I am on a night were I'm suffering from insomnia, finding myself with the inspiration to put pen to paper.  Hope you like it.
Sep 2019 · 192
Paul Gilhooley Sep 2019
The Earth she turns,
The Earth she burns,
Lungs full of smoke,
Lungs start to choke,
No-one listening to her screams,
No-one caring what this means,
Wildlife havens, all decimated,
Now those lands lie desolated.

The Earth she is turning,
The Earth she is burning,
Charred embers burning bright,
Burning wildly, day and night,
Flora, fauna, creatures all,
Dying on this burning ball,
Mighty rainforests now just ashes,
Destroyed by impish burning flashes.

She burns as she turns,
And she turns as she burns,
Forests smoulder, destroyed by flames,
Victims of our Human aims,
The more destruction that we wreak,
The more the outcome seems so bleak,
Revenge, she'll bring us certain death,
Ensuring mankind's final breath.

Cinco Espiritus Creation
4th September 2019
Mar 2019 · 216
Between the lines.
Paul Gilhooley Mar 2019

C­inco Espiritus Creation - March 2019
Mar 2019 · 265
I've heard you say...
Paul Gilhooley Mar 2019
I've heard you say it's a cowards way out,
I've heard you say no care at all for family or friends,
I've heard you say life's not that bad,
I've heard you say it's just a phase,
I've heard you say suicide, such a selfish act,
I hear you now say if only I'd said,
I hear you say you were there for me.
I hear you say your doors always open,
I hear you say you always worried,
I hear you say you saw the signs,
The irony of the things I've heard, is that no one listened when I was scared.

Cinco Espiritus Creation - March 2019
Mar 2019 · 525
Paul Gilhooley Mar 2019
These shattered pieces of my life,
Failure, repetition, constant strife,
More dark than light, more cons than pro's,
The times I've tried, heaven knows!

Rarely happy, more often sad,
The brightest spark, those calling me dad,
When things seem on track, I'm soon derailed,
And yes I've tried, then failed and failed.

My social circle is very small,
Look very closely, it's only Paul,
I let people in, then I get burned,
Build barriers high, the lesson learned.

I don't need anyone to make me complete,
But a shoulder to lean on, that would be sweet,
Someone to hold, it's been a while,
Someone to care for behind the smile.

Struggles, stresses, over thinking,
Feeling like I'm always sinking,
An outlet for friends, that's never in doubt,
But can anyone hear me when I shout?

A humour so dark, I make others cringe,
But if I let it all out, their soul I'd tinge,
A cry for help you'll never hear,
I just need to know there's somebody here!

To live with loathing, to live with doubt,
Has become what life is all about,
The person you know, warm, sincere,
Has become a mask, my thin veneer.

Branded flirty, often shameless,
Tho deep inside, I know I'm worthless,
And so I share me in this verse,
To help other sufferers lift their curse.

Cinco Espiritus Creation - 2019
Jul 2018 · 794
If I ...
Paul Gilhooley Jul 2018
If I were nervous, would you reassure me?
If I were scared, would you comfort me?
If I were angry, would you calm me?
If I were lonely, would you sit with me?
If I told you my fears, would you understand me?
If I were struggling with my demons, would you fight them with me?
If I were standing on the edge, would you hold me?
If I were screaming out for help, would you hear me?
If I hid behind a smile, would you care for me?
If I told you I needed help, would you be there for me?
If I was no longer here, would you miss me?

When I was nervous, nobody reassured me,
When I was scared, nobody comforted me,
When I was angry, nobody calmed me,
When I was lonely, nobody sat with me,
When I spoke of my fears, nobody understood me,
When I struggled with my demons, nobody fought for me,
When I stood out on the edge, nobody held me,
When I screamed out for help, nobody heard me,
When I hid behind a smile, nobody cared for me,
When I said I needed help, nobody was there for me,
When I was no longer around, nobody missed me.

As I sit and ponder life,
All it's troubles, all it's strife,
On social media I see the posts,
If in need, we're willing hosts,
But is it true?  Let's wait and see,
If I need you, are you there for me?

Cinco Espiritus Creation
Mar 2018 · 330
For My Children
Paul Gilhooley Mar 2018
Inspired by Neil Diamond's "Morningside"
A tale of when an old man died,
Of nights spent alone, and days that I've cried,
For my children

This poem is real, this poem is me,
Far from the person each one of you see,
Depression, emptiness, a life I can't flee,
For my children.

By mistakes a plenty, my life defined,
The gift I hold, verses from what's on my mind,
A tormented soul, with the words I've signed,
For my children.

Emilia and John, years spent apart,
Thinking back each night, tearing at my heart,
To go back in time, and correct from the start,
For my children.

Isobel and Lydia, off doing their things,
Watching them flourish, the joy that it brings,
Two ladies growing, in my heart it sings,
For my children.

And obviously Ben, my Junior Sharkbait,
My final reason to smile, this tiny wee mate,
Giving me purpose, keeping life great,
For my children.

People believe as a dad I am good,
But I've let them all down far more than I should,
And I'd change it all for a chance that I could,
For my children.

As a father I know that I truly am blessed,
I've five stars that to me, are simply the best,
With their joy, love and laughter, my heart is caressed,
For my children.

But when I die, truth is sad,
Not a child will claim the gift I had,
The words I write become my epitaph,
For my children."

Cinco Espiritus Creation 2018
Oct 2017 · 1.6k
The Age of Innocence
Paul Gilhooley Oct 2017
Gentle child sleeping in my chair,
Stay sweet your dreams, free from care,
Rest your head from weary day,
Exhaustion borne from adventurous play.

Gentle child with breath so soft,
Into deep slumber, you have been lost,
Knowing nothing of years to come,
A dreamy smile, you're rarely glum.

Gentle child resting free,
Cast adrift on your dream filled sea,
I wonder what thoughts fill your head,
Tho' I know your imagination is well fed.

Gentle child I hear you snore,
A man as child, yet only four,
You stir from slumber, look of surprise,
Confusion and beauty I see in your eyes.

Gentle child drifts back to sleep,
Your dreams they call you from the deep,
An uncomplicated life, youthful simpleness,
The greatest time, the age of innocence.

Cinco Espiritus Creation
October 2017
Sep 2017 · 911
Paul Gilhooley Sep 2017
I'm writing a poem of alliteration,
Promising perfunctory proliferation,
Rendering ragged rambling randomness,
Scribbling stupid spasmodic silliness.

Finding words requires a Thesaurus,
Collecting curses chirography causes,
Needs necessitate natural nuances,
Instead incredible imaginary influences.

This task is beginning to wreck my head,
Beating boredom before bed,
Wretched wistfully wandering words,
Agreeable arrangements absolutely absurd.

Keeping it logical is becoming a bind,
Maelstroms merging, mashing my mind,
Deranged, despairing, definitely diminished,
Fortunately, fudging finally finished.

Cinco Espiritus Creation
Jul 2017 · 665
Paul Gilhooley Jul 2017
Yes there are sharks in our oceans, and sharks in our seas,
Just as cars on our roads, and leaves on our trees,
Same as spiders in webs, and birds in the sky,
It is the way of the world and no need to ask why?

There's no need to panic, and no need to fear,
If you swim in the water, there's a chance they'll come near,
If you don't want to risk it, for fear of attack,
Then stay on the beach, with the sun on your back.

It's really quite simple, there's not much to say,
Tho many won't listen, as I hold no sway,
But if  you like to go play on the waves in the surf,
Just one note of caution, "You're entering THEIR turf"!!!

*Cinco Espiritus Creation
July 2017
As an avid marine life conservationist, I get so frustrated when I see stories excitedly screaming "Shark in the water".  It's their home, where else would you expect to see them!!
Jul 2017 · 312
Then and now.
Paul Gilhooley Jul 2017
If I knew then, what I know now,
My life would be so much different, and how!!
But if I knew then, what I know now,
Would mean life without my kids, which I  could not allow!
So my life of mistakes, and there's been quite a few,
Will just have to suffice, and I'll have to make do,
My life isn't perfect, far from it in fact,
But I still fight each day, and I'm reasonably intact,
Mistakes that we make, lead us down many roads,
But it's made me the person I am I suppose.

*Cinco Espiritus Creation
Jul 2017 · 361
Ghosts in the River
Paul Gilhooley Jul 2017
The gulls give their cry, high over the beach,
As they scramble for titbits within their reach,
Scavenging around, for whatever they can,
And fine, tasty morsels cast aside by man.

Junk food wrappers and ice cream tubs,
Empty beer glasses from nearby pubs,
BBQ burners, dumped in the breakwater,
Put it in the trash fool, you know you oughta!

Waste, refuse, *******, trash,
BBQ leftovers, hot powdery ash,
A throw away society, so clearly we are,
With implications so deadly, both near and far.

The world on our doorstep, so varied and rich,
From lakes, rivers and streams, or even a ditch,
Fish, dolphins and porpoise, all live in our seas,
At the mercy of litter, cast adrift on the breeze.

Floating up on the surface, carrier bag jellyfish,
Eaten by dolphins, disappearing with a swish,
Pop cans a plenty lie strewn in the sand,
Lying in wait for a child's playful hand.

The litter we dump on those hot sunny days,
Takes it's toll on our wildlife in a number of ways,
Mistaken for food, strangled by waste,
By the trash we discard as we leave in such haste.

Picnics we carry for miles in the car,
But that trip to the bin seems a journey too far,
Such disregard for our wildlife, just doesn't seem right,
Just another trademark of the human parasite.

So when next on the beach, having fun in the sun,
Pick up all your litter, you could be the odd one,
Or all the dolphins and fish, and the creatures that slither,
Could sadly become just the ghosts in the river.

Cinco Espiritus Creation
Marine life conservation plays a big part in my life, and it really infuriates me to see people littering the beaches after a day enjoying the natural environment.  Especially as I get to see the damage this has on our wildlife.
Jul 2017 · 1.5k
Dr Seuss
Paul Gilhooley Jul 2017
We're all familiar with Dr Seuss,
Tho pronounced like voice, and not like Zeus,
One fish, two fish, the cat in the hat,
With fish exclaiming that mother "won't like that".

Eccentric strange names, bizzarely named towns,
Unusual creatures, his imagination abounds,
There's mean Mr Grinch, where evil's his art,
And poor Herbie Hart, taking his Thromdimbulator apart.

We remember most fondly Horton hearing a who,
And the cat in the hat releasing Thing One and Thing Two,
How lucky you are, with dear Mr Potter,
And his monotonous job as T-Crosser, I-Dotter.

The things that we saw on Mulberry Street,
With so many stories, and people to meet,
Not forgetting the Lorax, or the places you'll go,
Or me singing high with my Ying that sings low.

I read them each night with my dear gentle Ben,
Stories we enjoy, both time and again,
The stories we read, are always his choice,
From the magical worlds of the one Dr Seuss.*

Cinco Espiritus Creation
Jun 2017 · 537
Paul Gilhooley Jun 2017
Afraid to live, afraid to care,
Afraid to give, afraid to dare,
Afraid to scream, afraid to cope,
Afraid to dream, afraid to hope,
Afraid of fears, afraid of deception,
Afraid of tears, afraid of perception,
Afraid of new, afraid of woe,
Afraid of you, afraid of no.
Jun 2017 · 507
Pint Pot Reflection
Paul Gilhooley Jun 2017
Here I sit, glass in hand,
Thinking how life's not gone as planned,
As I stare across the waves,
My mind searches for the adventures it craves.

The sound of gulls fishing on the tide,
Where now? What next?  I must decide,
To coin a phrase, I need strong and stable,
A steady course, well! If I'm able.

As I ponder, wonder, think,
I pop the bar for another drink,
It soothes my mind, it fuels my soul,
As I sit here setting another goal.

As poems go, this ain't my best,
But soul is awakened, from peaceful rest,
As my fire burns stronger there will be more,
Of this I'm certain, in fact, I'm sure!
Feb 2017 · 991
I wish
Paul Gilhooley Feb 2017
I wish I had somebody to hold,
To heal this broken heart so cold,
I wish I had the strength so bold,
To invite somebody into my fold,
A person worth their weight in gold,
To share my days as I grow old.*

Cinco Espiritus Creation
Paul Gilhooley Jan 2017
When your time has come, there's no way out,
No matter how much you scream and shout,
There are some who think there are pearly gates,
Where St Peter stands and happily waits,
But what if there is one cruel surprise,
Where you won't believe your very eyes,
Reading it's message, your spirits drop,
"Please exit through the gift shop"

Cinco Espiritus Creation 2017
Dec 2016 · 416
Driftwood Dreams
Paul Gilhooley Dec 2016
I count the times I think of thee,
As empty thoughts drift o'er the sea,
The sand it whips across my face,
As I sit alone in my quiet place.

My dreams they glide above the beach,
As if an aim, far out of reach,
Wondering next, what should I do?
As I sit alone and think of you.

The waves they crash upon the shore,
As I start to wonder more and more,
The cold it bites, with wind's eerie shrill,
As I sit alone in Winter's chill.

The tide it creeps across the land,
As Jack Frost paws with icy hand,
A ship's horn blasts from across the docks,
As I sit alone here on the rocks.

Oblivious to both time and tide,
Wrestling the torment deep inside,
The night draws on, getting ever colder,
As I sit alone growing even older.

The wind and cold begin to sting,
Now spots of rain, just one more thing,
No shelter where the pier once stood,
As I sit alone, as if some driftwood.

Cinco Espiritus Creation
Nov 2016 · 393
Paul Gilhooley Nov 2016
A life full of love, a life full of hope,
Never saw you down, never saw you mope,
Never a critic, always a friend,
A person on who, I could always depend,
Strong in will, bold in strength,
Protecting your family at any length,
Funny, dry, but never rude,
Saturday nights and your home cooked food,
In all my years, I never heard you swear,
And in your company, I'd never dare,
I told you my secrets, I shared all my fears,
You held my hand, you wiped my tears,
I never visited as much as I should,
And now it's too late, how I wish I could,
An outlook on life I shall always admire,
But now you are gone to a calling that's higher.
Selfishly I don't want to let you go,
But now reunited with grandad Joe,
The matriarch of the clan McCann,
Goodnight, God bless, I love you Gran.*

© Cinco Espiritus 2016
Today marked the passing of my gran, a role model for all of my life, a person I always have, and always will hold in the highest admiration.  A personal loss that will be hard to cope with, but a person that is no longer suffering or in pain, so I take some passing comfort from knowing that the pain I now feel means that she is pain no more.
Nov 2016 · 274
Paul Gilhooley Nov 2016
Betrayed, belittled, ridiculed, hurt,
So oft my face, rubbed in the dirt,
Do your worst, try all you can,
For I will rise a better man.*

Cinco Espiritus Creation
Jun 2016 · 768
The Difference
Paul Gilhooley Jun 2016
Life may not have gone the way you planned,
It's not bad luck, mere lie of land,
Wherever you look, woe's all you see,
Discerning faces suggest "It's meant to be",
Ignorant to events, even on the next street,
Concerned only about the world at their feet,
If you believe that this isn't right,
Then now's the time to stand and fight,
To make a difference,
You have to be the difference.*

© Cinco Espiritus Creation
Jun 2016 · 443
Paul Gilhooley Jun 2016
Today is a gift given by yesterday,
But not promised for tomorrow.

Be remembered for your actions today,
As tomorrow you may be forgotten.*

© Cinco Espiritus Creation
May 2016 · 360
Why do I?
Paul Gilhooley May 2016
Why do I do it?
Why do I torment myself so?
Why do I imagine things that will never be?
Why do I interpret more than is ever said?
Why do I see things as me and you?
Because you bring my soul to life.

© Cinco Espiritus Creation
May 2016 · 702
Paul Gilhooley May 2016
With hypnotic eyes,
So worldly wise,
Soft, mellow sighs,
Giving me butterflies,
Stirring emotional exercise.

Longing for, unwise,
Lonely hearts agonise,
Empty souls realise,
Empathic friends sympathise,
Single nights demoralise.*

© Cinco Espiritus Creation
May 2016 · 866
E.A. Poe.
Paul Gilhooley May 2016
I wish I could write like E.A. Poe,
Where dark and sombre, rule the flow,
There's death and despair at every turn,
To have his skill I truly yearn.

Villainous, evil, haunting, macabre,
A poet version of the Marquis De Sade,
His writings dark, visionary, bleak,
Providing no signs of the hope you seek.

A poetic genius, without compare,
His delivery leaves you within Satan's glare,
And why I know this thing for sure,
I wish I could write like E.A. Poe.*

© Cinco Espiritus Creation
May 2016 · 601
Society Today
Paul Gilhooley May 2016
Society today
Addicted to vanity
Society today
Cursed with insanity
Society today
Littered with profanity
Society today
Has no humanity.

© Cinco Espiritus Creation
May 2016 · 497
Unconditional Love
Paul Gilhooley May 2016
Is there in existence unconditional love?
Where two hearts fit like hand in glove?
Is it possible to give away so much trust?
To see it fail, blown away in the dust?
Is there a love, so impassioned and wild?
I believe that it's true, but only parent and child!*

© Cinco Espiritus Creation
I've often been criticised for saying I do not believe it is possible for two adults to love unconditionally, as to give away so much trust to another is almost inviting hurt.  I am lucky enough to have received unconditional love in my life, but only from my children, never from a partner.
May 2016 · 1.6k
Paul Gilhooley May 2016
Widnes aint much, but to me she’s sweet home,
Safe refuge from wherever I roam,
Many may claim that she’s ugly and ******,
But open your eyes, and she’s really quite pretty.

From down by the snig, to up to the Crown,
There’s pubs a plenty where sorrows can drown,
The Globe, The Coterie, now Pesto of course,
But to all us old locals, it’s still the Black Horse.

Town centre drunks, laugh while they rant,
Old ICI and their Paraquat plant,
An industrial past, its dirt and its grime,
A ***** old river, her sludge and her slime.

Of nature reserves, we have quite a few,
From out of our wastelands, something wonderful grew,
Wildlife thriving where once we dumped *******,
Now even the Mersey lives once more with fish.

The factory smells that insulted our noses,
Spike Island, proud host once to the Stone Roses,
Paul Simon himself, when loneliness found,
On one of our stations,  wrote Homeward Bound.

The Beatles once played our dear Queens Hall,
Derelict now, no more curtains to call,
We love our music live and loud,
We truly are a passionate crowd.

A sporty town, but leagues our game,
Tho’ recent years have been quite a shame,
Myler, Karalius, Davies, Offiah,
Crowned World champs, our status climbed higher.

Proud we cheered in old Naughton Park,
The cowsheds, cold, smelly and dark,
The glory days, they came and went,
Old fans speak in sad lament.

The whole town’s roads, my how they’ve changed,
Drivers sit there now, all deranged,
Confusing sets of roundabouts,
That lead us there, or thereabouts.

Morrisons, Aldi and now a Tesco,
Asda Halebank, well that had to go,
A curious accent, not manc or scouse,
Just hear us speak with Woolyback nouse.

W’s in words, like one, two, three, foewer,
And entering homes, through a front doewer,
It’s hard to explain in a few lines here,
But a few minutes in town, and all becomes clear.

Bowling, cinema and now an ice rink,
The town is recovering, back from the brink,
There’s Costa, Next, Boots and Wilkos,
Who else is coming, no one quite knows.

Widnes has changed in my 40 years,
But filled with hopes now instead of fears,
Change for the better? Let’s wait and see,
But no matter what, she’s still home to me.

© Cinco Espiritus Creation
Poem written about my beloved home town.  She aint much, but she's home to me.
May 2016 · 669
My Gift
Paul Gilhooley May 2016
With colourful words on paper I paint,
Creating images, some bleak, some quaint,
The source eternal, the well of my soul,
To ease other's burden, my wordly goal.

If what I share, can ease your pain,
Then comfort from words, we both shall gain,
Pains shared by one, can help cure two,
So share my words, my gift to you.

© Cinco Espiritus Creation
May 2016 · 383
Who the Fuck are you?
Paul Gilhooley May 2016
Weren't you the person I used to be?
Weren't you the person so timid and shy?
Weren't you the person of low self esteem?
Weren't you the person to hide in the crowd?
Weren't you the person with no confidence?
Weren't you the person that knew when to laugh?
Weren't you the person that knew when to cry?
Weren't you the person that hid it all behind a mask?
I'm still the person I used to be,
I'm still the person timid and shy,
I'm still the person of low self esteem,
I'm still the person hiding in the crowd,
I'm still the person of no confidence,
I'm still the person that knows when to laugh,
I'm still the person that knows when to cry,
I'm just a person that now wears a better mask!
That's who the **** I am!

© Cinco Espiritus Creation
May 2016 · 377
Paul Gilhooley May 2016
I spend my days procrastinating,
An activity I find invigorating,
Making plans is so frustrating,
And meeting people nauseating,
So I spend my days procrastinating,
And wasting time deliberating.

© Cinco Espiritus Creation
May 2016 · 712
Paul Gilhooley May 2016
Follow my heart?
Or follow my head?
A brand new start?
Or emotionally dead?

A person of warmth has cast a spell,
Enchanting eyes, a captivating smile,
Take a chance? Or let it dwell?
The chance I've awaited for quite a while.

The pains of past, cloud my thought,
Fear of pain, fear of hurt,
Thoughts of her, my breath grows short,
But bygone failures, their doubts, exert.

Should I do this?  Should I do that?
Will I do right? Or Will I do wrong?
I'm sick of loneliness, and feeling flat,
Tight in her arms, I feel I belong.

It seems when we chat, I'm finally me,
No mask interferes with the person revealed,
But out in the open, is that meant to be?
Or am I just safer with the real me concealed?*

© Cinco Espiritus Creation
May 2016 · 383
Paul Gilhooley May 2016
creates an inner
creating hopes that you
dreams that sadly will not
forlorn emotions shall now
harbinger of inner

© Cinco Espiritus Creation
May 2016 · 1.3k
Walking the Black Dog.
Paul Gilhooley May 2016
I like the dark, I like the cold,
Away from life that makes me old,
To stop and ponder what should be,
And escape the life that's crippling me.

I like to sit out in the rain,
The splosh of droplets, relieve the strain,
This crash of water, the growing puddles,
Oft clear my mind, and all it's muddles.

To sit and feel the pelt of hail,
That crisp, sharp sting and blast of gale,
The swirling wind, no sounds of man,
Here I can work out who I am.

I want some time from behind the mask,
I do not think that's much to ask?
I like to get away from it all,
For chance to be the real Paul.

Working out which path to follow,
To stop me feeling empty, hollow,
Where to go, to do what next?
This age old problem leaves me vexed!

From within my soul I feel its growl,
It's evil, demented, cavernous howl,
It's mere presence chills to the bone,
This demon follows, wherever I roam.

Controlling thoughts, fuelling fears,
Crippling ambition, driving tears,
My plans to go forward, it brings to a halt,
As everything in life, is always my fault.

My future remains lost in the haze,
Living with this darkness for all my days,
All that remains, is my epilogue,
I'm living with the big black dog!*

© Cinco Espiritus Creation
May 2016 · 827
Our Last Goodbye
Paul Gilhooley May 2016
I did not see your final smile
I did not hear your final breath
I did not feel your final kiss
I did not hug you one last time
I did not know death called your name
I did not know why you had to go
I did not, could not, understand
I did not know I'd missed our last goodbye.*

© Cinco Espiritus Creation
May 2016 · 667
Paul Gilhooley May 2016
A stubborn old man, I may well be,
A blinkered old fool, could well be me,
Opinions as deep rooted as ancient tree,
But are they right?  I'll wait and see!

© Cinco Espiritus Creation
May 2016 · 390
Yay or Nay
Paul Gilhooley May 2016
Day - Night
Dark - Light
Bitter - Sweet
Untidy - Neat

Up - Down
Smile - Frown
Happy - Sad
Good - Bad

Positive or negative
Defines your day
Your mood dictates
Which one holds sway*

© Cinco Espiritus Creation
May 2016 · 378
Paul Gilhooley May 2016
I find myself all alone,
Stuck out in some distant field,
I know that this is not my home,
But from this place I will not yield,
Falling rain streams down my face,
Howling wind blows through my hair,
Across the sky dark clouds all chase,
Away they go, I know not where,
The cries of birds I softly hear,
As they warble from afar,
Why this spot, I’m not so clear,
I don’t think I came here in a car,
My arms are stiff, my legs I can’t feel,
My body itself feels completely numb,
I hope it won’t take long to heal,
My mood is sombre, I’m feeling glum,
I feel I’ve been here quite some time,
Memories seem to be easing back,
I think I’m here to prevent a crime,
But god it feels like I’m on a rack,
Why am I here? I wish I knew!
There has to be a reason why!
But I simply have no clue!
No matter how hard I try!
Oh wait, of course, I should have guessed,
It’s obvious now, well now I know!
I’m here to shoo a certain pest,
I am of course the lonely scarecrow!

© Cinco Espiritus Creation
May 2016 · 359
Forbidden Fruit
Paul Gilhooley May 2016
I hear your voice, I feel your breath,
Time without out you, brings pain like death,
I long to hold you close to me,
But together as one we cannot be.

You hold my heart, you fill my dreams,
I think of you, my smile it beams,
To live our lives so free of fear,
To wake each day and hold you near.

No me and you, denied that fate,
Instead we fought, love turned to hate,
In both our hearts burned deep desire,
But distance, it soon quenched that fire.

Time went by, deep wounds did heal,
Conversations explained how deep we feel,
True feelings hidden, buried deep,
Instead our hearts, in love they weep.

Did fate decide from high above,
That we be forced to hide our love?
To future years, let's wait and see,
Will we share love as you and me?*

© Cinco Espiritus Creation
May 2016 · 352
Incumbent Deceased!
Paul Gilhooley May 2016
My heart skipped a beat, as I watched you arrive,
Time spent with you, made me feel so alive,
Then I remember the hurt in the things that you said,
And the time till we split when I wished I was dead.

© Cinco Espiritus Creation
May 2016 · 511
Paul Gilhooley May 2016

I wish this depression would find remission*

© Cinco Espiritus Creation
May 2016 · 369
Down to I
Paul Gilhooley May 2016

© Cinco Espiritus Creation
May 2016 · 1.6k
The Train
Paul Gilhooley May 2016
Clickety click, Clickety clack,
The train it rolls along the track.
The kids all get restless the parents all natter,
But at least they aren’t crying, so that doesn’t matter.

Clickety clack, Clickety click,
A child hollers out “mum I feel sick!”
“What did I tell you about eating those sweets?”
“Don’t make a mess all over these seats!”

Clickety click, Clickety clack,
The guard sitting bored, in his cab at the back.
We thunder through towns and all of its people,
Passing by churches, and that old pointed steeple.

Clickety clack, Clickety click,
A drinks cart on the train? Ah just the trick,
A nice cup of coffee and a cold can of beer,
“How much?  You’re kidding!”  I won’t get much change here!

Clickety click, Clickety clunk,
Oops, sounds like that rail's missing a chunk.
We cross over bridges, spanning their rivers,
I must close that window, it’s giving me shivers.

Clickety click, Clickety clack,
I’m getting hungry; I could use a good snack.
Back comes the hostess with her goods laden trolley,
No chance I’m parting with even more lolly.

Clickety clack, Clickety click,
So many destinations, which one should I pick?
Should I stay local, or should I go far?
It’s certainly more peaceful than driving a car.

Clickety click, Clickety clack,
It feels like we’re speeding along a fair whack.
The seconds to minutes, the minutes to hours,
From towns and their houses, to fields and their flowers.

Clickety clack, Clickety click,
Wherever I’m going, I’m getting there quick.
Bright eyed young faces, an adventure, exciting,
The doddery old folk, complain when alighting

Clickety click, Clickety clack,
We pass many crossings and a ***** old shack.
How many golf courses and quaint country pubs?
And weekend gardeners out pruning their shrubs.

Clickety clack, Clickety click,
These seats so uncomfy, now my neck's got a crick!
Now finally I've reached my long journey’s end,
And I'm glad that I've shared it with you my dear friend.

© Cinco Espiritus Creation
Paul Gilhooley May 2016
The exuberance of light,
Is expended by night,
The energy of day,
Dissipates clean away.

Then we are left with just the night,
When we're told nothing is right,
It's contrast to day, stark,
It's best weapon, the dark.

But out in the open.
Despite all your hopin',
Things aren't what they seem,
Feel the night air, calm and serene.

Close your eyes, hear the sounds,
There are no evil hounds,
High above, see the stars,
Look at Jupiter or Mars.

The night is no enemy, nor is it the villain,
It's a time to kick back, enjoy lots of chillin,
The night is portrayed as the theatre of screams,
It's a lie I maintain, night's not what it seems.

© Cinco Espiritus Creation
May 2016 · 330
To You
Paul Gilhooley May 2016
Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?
A line oft quoted from Shakespeare’s play.
Love quotes work when out to woo,
But my quotes come from me to you.

Her eyes so soft, her hair so fine,
Her smile so warm, come rain or shine,
She is my soul, my essence of life,
She melts away my woes and strife.

Beauty lies with the beholder,
And I can’t recall the times I’ve told her,
We all have ways to show we care,
Tho’ some are private, we cannot share.

To be with you, to see your smile,
To wonder at your strength and guile,
To feel your love, to hear your laughter,
At last I’ve found my happy ever after.

To hopes and dreams of what tomorrow brings,
I hear your voice, my heart it sings,
My soul it smiles with hope anew,
As one thing I know, is I love you.

© Cinco Espiritus Creation
May 2016 · 306
To Hope
Paul Gilhooley May 2016
To hope is to dream for all we can achieve,
To aid this path through life we weave.
Our time on earth is all to brief,
Our passing brings our loved ones grief.

But life is a journey we should always treasure,
Our passing memories should bring back pleasure.
To family, friends and loved ones all,
Those times we’ve shared too many to recall.

We live, we love, we laugh, we cry,
These moments grow as days go by.
Our memories gathered through the years,
So please don’t think of us through tears.

The gift of a child is a sight to see,
They fill our lives with so much glee.
We give them hope and aspiration,
Yet our passing fills them with desperation.

We do not choose our final date,
That rests purely in the hands of fate.
So we leave behind the ones we love,
As our calling comes, from high above.*

© Cinco Espiritus Creation
May 2016 · 466
Neptune's Lair.
Paul Gilhooley May 2016
They crash, they splash, the waves they roar,
The oceans surge, majestic, raw,
Continuing on hour after hour,
The seas, a source of relentless power.

Across the waves I sit and stare,
In awe of Neptune’s aquatic lair,
The Cormorants fish, sly seagulls pounce,
As on the waves, the pleasure boats bounce.

The tide ebbs back, exposing sand,
Where soon walk lovers, hand in hand,
The smell of sea, the scent of salt,
As seabirds sing their wild exalt.

So murky brown, no clear blue sea,
A ***** river, mesmerising me,
Cathedrals, towers, the odd church spire,
The scrap yard dunes grow ever higher.

The city skyline, like concrete flowers,
The wonders of nature, sadly sours,
To escape their confine, the river flows,
When flooding banks, her power shows.

Along the shore, the waves still roll,
As along the prom, the ramblers stroll,
The sun beats down, the breeze blows slight,
Not a single cloud appears in sight.

The seas they hide their life below,
As mortals fear what monsters grow,
So few have seen what lies down there,
As we rely on breathing air.

She keeps so much unseen by all,
Her area vast, her creatures’ small,
The dangerous, yet mystical, magical sea,
Fearsome to many, but enchanting to me.

© Cinco Espiritus Creation
May 2016 · 328
Paul Gilhooley May 2016
Society today looks down on youth,
Through sneering glasses and attitudes aloof,
The times have changed, old ways can’t last,
So to the children, the future is passed.

It’s true that respect itself is earned,
But let them benefit from lessons we’ve learned,
So the next generation, our experience can borrow,
For without today, there will be no tomorrow.

© Cinco Espiritus Creation
May 2016 · 322
Paul Gilhooley May 2016
Words are a gift we must beware how we use,
We can use them to love, or to hate and abuse,
To be uttered in hope, or to hurl them as curse,
We can place them together as a rhyme or a verse.

Words are a weapon we can use in discord,
As it’s claimed that the pen, is more mighty than sword,
Words can be empty, their meaning be hollow,
Or we can say them in strength, so that others may follow.

Words and their meanings, can so often confuse,
Or their meanings dramatic, with their use on the news,
Their meaning may change with the way we infer,
Do they mean we are hated?  Do they mean that we care?

To me there’s no doubt, that our words are a gift,
We must use them for good, to give others a lift,
If you use them to harm, or to give fear and dread,
Then I think that it’s far better left as unsaid.

We must use them to love, and for comfort in grief,
We must use them for those that are short on belief,
We must use them to settle any quarrel or rift,
And it’s why that I know that their use is a gift!*

© Cinco Espiritus Creation
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