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  Jun 2015 Paul Butters
Gemineyed Gypsy
Back to the beginning.
The way things were before the fall of man.
Before we knew religion.
No separation.
No nonsense of
Man vs man.

Without rulers of great fortune.
Without wars and despair.
Without greed without hunger.
Worry no longer.
Without a doubt.
Having faith in simply, “I can.

Back at the beginning.
All is man's peaceful nature.
Unknowing of hate, staying true to love.
When everything and everyone is ALL I AM.
Darkness & Light.
Together, hand-in-hand.
Beautifully weaving and believing.

One Two-Fold Force
Of Love and Light.
Providing and Supplying.
Nurturing through Nature.

Simply sounding enough.
Let it Be.
© 2015 Ashley Jean.
All rights reserved.
Intellectual property of the author.
When you are struggling in this here world of our's
When you are hurting and can barely keep moving.
When you have lost so much in this life that you live.
When your life seems so dark, and so empty as well.
When you are feeling nothing good comes your way.
When you are so ready to give up, on your life here.
Please do not go, for when you let go giving it to God.
This is when your life turns around and he turns it into something more.
For this is when he transforms your sufferings into something beautiful.
Paul Butters Jun 2015
The Sun’s beaming smile
Bathes the plains with gold.
Lord of the heavens,
Circled by your sons
We call planets,
Your searing heat
Keeps us warm
And well.

I love the summer
With those shiny beaches:
Radiant reflections
Kissed by sky-blue surf.

Sun, you are a surge of nuclear bombs
Devastating the darkness,
Destroying the frosts of outer space.

Blindingly beautiful
Yet you redden evening clouds:
Red sky at night delight

Ball, orb, sphere, call you what you will,
Sol if you prefer.
The pale moon mimics you
Even blocks you at times,
But you are never eclipsed for long.

The sky is your playing field
Though the starry crowd is hidden
From your fiery light.

See the sky brighten
Just before dawn,
Then witness the birth
Of another fine day.

Paul Butters
Summertime and the living is easy.....
  Jun 2015 Paul Butters
glenn martin
the flowers of memories   shall never die
these living moments of pedals blooming
standing   fluttering in winds and sky
feelings of silk  across the skin alive  
refreshing to be one so precious  
a living life force forever nature of mind  
seeking roots to grow
in mind to elevate the senses
remembering the freshness began
the colors of pedals hold the eye
the blooming lending  smells  a boo kay
as life retreats to die leaving life yearnings memories of the mind
the sky beyond flowers of time
how to touch behold the softness
the precious in hand a heart pumping beauty
flower fragrant form combined
a making of flowers a yearning
to be to stand for life as beauty
up holding a gentleness in living
the life beyond...... eyes see whats
held in the heart lending of spirits
of flower power born in the vapors
giving nature back the heart
by power of life living giving sharing
this world commands a respect
only the precious will know
as a beauty obtained by gentle givings
a whole world of sensation
the making of Earth life creation
humans step back at wonders beyond
such life makings all but a moment in time
as the taint gives up its hold on beauty
we cry never die be this bookay  
a moment of beauty remembered
to set a course a eulogy   
the being within the flower
the hoping the will
to not break the heart
as the body grows old
I stand as a flower my pedals fall
like arms and shoulders rounding out
collapsing to the ground below
my stalk this backbone bows
wilting and withering
as one ******* remembered another
no longer gravity held
returned to the soil the ground below
remembered for the events we shared
but mostly for the consciousness
of  Flower Power....gjmars  5/20/15
life is a dream  to know
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