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  Dec 2015 Parker
Does insanity knows it is insanity?
No, only sanity knows.
Think about it.
  Dec 2015 Parker
"Society is cruel to make us believe we are sane, but we all secretly know that deep inside our minds, we are all insane."
  Dec 2015 Parker
The Insane Savannah
I am going insane.
Oh wait, I already am.
I see the demons already,
I see the floods.
At least I don't see,
crimson blood.
  Dec 2015 Parker
Michael Murphy
You learned to be a victim, at a very early age
Father beating mother and witnessing the rage

Crying mother in the night, her pleas that went unheard
Knowing that it wasn't right, your life you thought absurd

Mother learned from mother, then passed it down to you
There is no blame, there is no shame, for it's all you ever knew

Now the time has come my friend, to rise and fly above
You have a daughter of your own, the one you truly love

You say that you're a writer, you wield a mighty pen
I say to you, "then write your life," pay attention to the end

Write of new beginnings, your history be ******
Write of all your strength, and love, and feel your joy expand

So be the author of your life, your legacy control
Now break the cycle of abuse, dig deep within your soul

On stormy seas your daughter sails, seeking mother's light
So brilliant shine the life you pen, to guide her through the night
  Dec 2015 Parker
The lies
like dirt under
Call on your inner
Lady Macbeth
but no amount of scrubbing
can cleanse them.
They lie thick
on the tongue
tainting tastes
with blistered buds.
A thousand ants
marching on your
Unscratchable itch.
Descending into
Only truth can
set you free.
Only you can
free the truth.
Parker Dec 2015
It's a bad one.
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