The interesting thing about life is that in the precise moment where you delude yourself into thinking you've decoded but a morsel, tragedy or mortality or some other lucid moment will strike and your so-called understanding of this mystery is likely to be turned entirely on its head. Flailing, blood rushing to its indiscriminate face. An etch-a-sketch whose treasure has receded once more.
And, for another (but not the last) time, the possibilities and choices and paths abound. Carving a labyrinth inside your striving mind. Hungry for the finish line.
Is it wrong to feel again? When it's been so long I had almost forgotten the sensation. When life swells and fantasies play like an all day matinée behind taught eyelids.
Pull the curtain closed, let no light escape. For the last time a passerby wandered in, ticket in hand, the film presented an ending much different than the times before.