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  Sep 2017 woolgather
I go to sleep tired
and wake up exhausted.
But I still carry on each day as normal
and pretend that I'm okay,
so you don't have to feel this way.

- Keeping to myself to protect all else
  Sep 2017 woolgather
Stood 6ft away from the closing door, she fell to her knees as she cried on the floor.

"Why does he not want me anymore? Am I no good? Was I a bore?"

Once the tears stopped evading her bloodshot eyes, she reached into a draw and pulled out a knife.

The same knife she'd been using for many of years to draw pretty little pictures with her blood stained tears.

Patterns of the saddest beauty covered her arms and thighs, but she hides them with her perfect lies.

She tells those who ask about the marks on her body that "They were simply just accidents, end of story."

In her life people come and people go, so she thought everyone didn't need to know.

She kept all the pain deep inside.
Until the one person she loved, lied.

Now he's gone and left her for good. So she's just left on the floor crying, feeling unloved and misunderstood.
  Sep 2017 woolgather
Skye Marshmallow
The subtle quirk of odd socks,
Not quite eccentric enough,
For others to mock,
But more a soft reminder,
In the repeated fields of sheep,
That you are your own,
And you are unique.
Just a silly poem written while staring at the odd socks on my feet. :)
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