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I wish to not have a fragile heart
I wish not to tell anyone how I feel
Why is it so hard
Why is it so heavy

Isn't there's an option
To have a cold heart
To not care how I feel
Cause sometimes it felt like unnecessary

Especially when you spill it out
But it was taken for granted
What for
I miss you

Deep down I wished you miss me too

I miss you

I honestly want to listen
to your voice again

I miss you

I know I messed things up

I miss you

I know saying sorry won't heal you

I miss you

I hope you're doing okay there

I miss you

I'm telling you cause it's true

I really really miss you

I hope to see you again at least before the world ends
It's the first day
Of the Holy Month
Of Ramadan

I am happy
To be here
Among the chosen one

Thank you for this chance
Thank you for this day
Thank you for the food

There will be no words
That could discribe
How much thankful I really am

Happy Ramadan Kareem
To everyone who celebrates
Stay strong, it won't be long
Sometimes it's the stars
Rarely with the moon
Usually only the skies
Normally it's only us

It is not impossible to make things work
We bend and might break ourselves
Still we're able to stand and start again
As if it's the very first time for everything

The hellos
The pretty face to smile at
The route to your favorite place to be you
To make you feel you before you tasted love
14th April 2020
Aman, Tuesday
And this is the reality
None of us had the idea of it

It's either a gift
Or just a gigantic test
Who knows what's behind it

And we're staying in
To help and hope this will stop

Front liners are heros
All the homies are too
Both helping each other to prevent

Praying day and night
For safety and security
For the better and serenity

Oh the almighty
You're listening
I know you do
You know what's in out hearts
I know you do
Please forgive us
Please make it end
Covid19 ****
Shattered into pieces
Just because of words
Tried to glue them back
But it'll never be the same

They were only words
Sharp ones
The heart was broken

If one could choose
Types of heart to own
One won't pick this one
Cause it's too sensitive

Too fragile
One will always blame oneself
For being one
For having that kind of heart
I was next to her
Almost texted you
But I didn't
Cause I couldn't

This morning
Received a text from you
Saying you should have seen me
Before you leave the other day

This is not getting easier
As I'm trying to understand
Maybe I've misunderstood
Please don't make it hard
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