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 Feb 2015 omar zaied
in a foggy haze
amidst my highest of highs
I still see your glow

my lungs breathe heavy
opiates flood fragile veins
I fly with numb wings

the syringes pile
so i can forget your lips
the spring taste of joy

here I say farewell
***** needles, leather belts
*I still see your glow
Withdrawal from a human, abuse of a drug
Haiku x 4
 Feb 2015 omar zaied
allow me to breathe in your presence
to take in your glory and intellect
to swallow whole your allure and charm
in this i'll take with me a little piece of you
and my sinful lust will be satisfied
so i can go a few more hours before i need my self-defeating fix
i smoke three packs a day of just your eyes
and drink a case solely of your taste
your name trickles off my desperate tongue ad nauseam in its crave for your warm broth of love
and my heart pumps to the beats of the angelic song that echoes with your glow
the streams and rivers of my blood flood collectively into the delta of my mind
that can only make out thoughts of where you are when you're not here
as they tell my legs to walk and walk until my feet bruise and blister to wherever that may be
because that is the place i feel impervious to death and despair
the place where the once hollow well that is my soul fills with your crystal clear drips of freedom
the place where i feel immortal
and i count the seconds as they pass
to know that paradise is real
Happy Valentine's Day fellow poets! I hope you've enjoyed this.
 Feb 2015 omar zaied
i will leave a note
to construct my despondence
tears dont mix with ink

dont skulk when i pass
let me be a memory
just a harmony

so when you hear it
you can smile wide and breathe deep
humming to the boy

who could not feel it
but still knew he loved you to
the blue moon and back
The message consists of being in that stage of numbness when you've given up and accepted the pain. You want to love someone so bad, and you might somewhere inside of you, but you just can't do it, and theres nothing worse.
 Feb 2015 omar zaied
in a perplexing, infinite universe
ridden with countless planets uninhabited
and others flourishing with unknown life
within it, remains galaxies left unreachable and unexplored
floating on a boundless sea of black
littered with scatters of scintillating stars
acting as buoys to latch on to when off course amidst a spacewalk adventure
and landmarks to identify direction when lost in the vast array of emptiness

yet, here you are
shining as brilliantly as the celestial bodies that stretch across the canvas of night
and I am lucky enough to be able to latch onto you when I am astray in my own small town
I don't need to sail across an endless space ocean in a nautical journey in search of you
your beams are close enough for me to feel your nourishing warmth at all times
so when you greet me with your exhilarating embrace
we produce a light that shines intensely enough for the whole universe to see
so as the aliens navigate through the currents of deep space
they admire passion that burns brighter than anything of its kind
as they paddle in seamless synchronization
in the direction of our path, to find where we are
small town, planet earth
and they'll settle in here, to what they see as a place that must be incredible
because of you
the compass of the universe
the love of my life
thank you for taking the time to read! enjoy the rest of your day
writing from small town, planet earth
 Feb 2015 omar zaied
please* innocent one,
ignore my calls,
my shy glances,
my kind gestures,
i prey on you simply with lustful intentions,
because my sinning self is just as lonely,
just as scared of dying with no one to mourn for me,
and your body as it lay next to mine is so comforting,
yet, soon enough I'll still feel like I am alone,
even when your fingers are dancing crickets in my hair,
and your lightning bug eyes that flash hope within a dark world will soon burn out,
because my body rejects true love,
for it cannot feel such a blessing,
so save yourself now,
leave me before you are just as lonely as I,
the same way somebody left me,
because the world desperately needs your eyes,
as mine have already adjusted to gray
 Feb 2015 omar zaied
Winter's days have become one,
Mashed together to form one dreadful night,
As my eyes become bloodshot, another gulp of pungent whiskey.
On this night when the moon's luminance reveals itself through a sheet of blank clouds,
And I'm left confined in the purgatory of a lonely bedroom, Whose once blue walls have all but burnt to black,
As they seem to broaden to maximize my desolation.
I question my existence.
I question my sanity.
I question when I will see the sun again.
For the moon may be the only soul who is as lonely as I.

But the moon seeks solace in himself,
And does not comfort me as the way you once did,
On these drunken nights where the enemy was the bottom of a fifth of Jack Daniel’s.
What took away my everything,
Was the only thing that could aid me in my resurrection.
So now I lay here,
Questioning everything,
Scrambling to fix all that's been broken,
Building these deplorable ramshackle buildings on top of broken rubble,
With shards of glass and stinging tears as they mix with the blood on my hands,
But that doesn't matter, does it?
It will crumble, no matter how many times I try over and over again to rebuild.
This idiotic tower of sanity.
Why not just lay in this defeat?
And accept the harrowing fate that failure is upon me.
Let myself reek with self pity.
And drench myself with vomits of slurred words like,
"I miss you, I love you."

In my melancholy rage,
I'll take what is left of my body out into the cold,
In attempt to feel something real again as I dance with frozen tears in the numbing blanket of snow,
Convincing myself you will soon join me as I glare up at a flavorless, charcoal sky,
Cursing the bland stars who don't comfort the moon like they once did,
As I throw up the final chunks of the parts of my body that were still alive.

I watch in horror in front of me as they crawl out,
Like spiders as they trickle into the night with eyes wide.
For now I'm stuck here,
Glancing around for help that will never come,
Trying desperately to gather pieces of a broken puzzle with weak hands and shaking fingers.
So now, I lay here.
On the ground.
Everything splayed out for the world to step on and see.
All my mysteries drawn out,
All the secrets are no more,
All my thoughts, read like a book.
And as my insides spill and leak out further and further from my abdomen,
The crimson splurges and spits out.
So I clench my last hope,
The few drops left of honey whiskey in a bottle,
And I close my eyes,
For one last time.
Collab with the amazing Ryan Marmaros ^^ It was a pleasure to work with him and I adore the final product :) thanks!

— The End —