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Olga Valerevna Oct 2019
if we are passing the time, are we moving?
are we keeping our minds or are we losing?
do the things that we seek make our hearts sing?
or does everything leave our Souls with nothing?
I can speak for myself, but I don’t want to
not right here or right now, I can’t help you
I would rather hear You speak of beginnings
than lead all my own thoughts to only endings
if we are moving with Time, It won’t pass us
we’ll be keeping our lives once we become dust
“Ибо Он знает состав наш, помнит, что мы — персть. Дни человека — как трава; как цвет полевой, так он цветет. Пройдет над ним ветер, и нет его, и место его уже не узнает его.”
‭‭Псалтирь‬ ‭102:14-16‬
Olga Valerevna Oct 2020
I feel like I’m ghosting my patterns
but trading them in as I go
does anyone know how to live in
A Place we all hope to call Home?

I feel like I’ve been an imposter
I know all the ways I went wrong
but I cannot sleep without dreaming
my mind tries to carry it all

I feel like a human behavior
too loud to surrender my noise
I crawl on my knees to be broken
so I can remember Your Voice
it is impossible for me to write anything anymore, that doesn’t directly reference and reflect my Source of Truth; it is Biblical.

“For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.” 1 Corinthians 2:2
Olga Valerevna Jan 2016
The days pass in twos, I see double again
I'll make you believe me while I play pretend
The questions are nothing but all of my doubt
I'm letting you in as you choose to walk out
and here I am wandering memory lane
Adoring with pleasure these moments of pain
I could be mistaken and you could be right
we're not that much different when we have a fight
But how many punches can anyone throw
When blue is the face of a life we've let go
I don't want to bother your patience at all
So I will let silence take both of the fault
The beauty of breaking can only be seen
If one other person is present for me
I'm not who I am when you're not who you are
Tonight I will keep you inside of my hear*t
until I can't feel you anymore
Olga Valerevna Oct 2019
if there exists a mountain that is beautiful as you
I only want to see it through the lens in which you do
the way you capture motion sings an ode unto my art
and makes of me a poet who’s a song inside her heart
the melody you carry pours like Peace upon my bones
reminds me to be thankful even when I am alone
yes, there exists a mountain just as beautiful as you!
and now that I have seen it, let the Poetry ensue
“Итак, не будьте нерассудительны, но познавайте, что́ есть воля Божия. И не упивайтесь вином, от которого бывает распутство; но исполняйтесь Духом, назидая самих себя псалмами и славословиями и песнопениями духовными, поя и воспевая в сердцах ваших Господу,”
‭‭Послание к Ефесянам‬ ‭5:17-19
Olga Valerevna Sep 2016
if you have ever floated then you know what it is like
to be detached from everything that comes into your sight
and maybe others point it out with fingers taint the same
to fuse the con you're endlessly rejecting in your brain
for lesser is the cost of doubt than faith gone fully blind
and challenged be the character of those we leave behind
my only hope is tangled up but still alive and well
I can't imagine giving up is something left to sell
a monetary gain is but a temporal reprieve
from all the things we want to claim as normalcy believed
considering perimeters are widely broken down
when other peoples' circumstance is all the more profound
so may we beg the question, will we fall asleep and die
or wake up with the sun as though we never closed our eyes
nobody can.
Olga Valerevna Nov 2019
I reached out my heart to the Heavens

and the Beat of Its Winds became mine
a pulse I have never forgotten
had unraveled the meaning of Time

with Patience I walked like a Dreamer
who was waiting for Wonders to come
my lack of respect for The Silence
disappeared as I welcomed The Sun

the knots in my body were gathered
they were bound by the thoughts in my head
I woke up as sleepy as ever

I would take up The Cross in my bed
“Больной отвечал Ему: так, Господи; но не имею человека, который опустил бы меня в купальню, когда возмутится вода; когда же я прихожу, другой уже сходит прежде меня. Иисус говорит ему: встань, возьми постель твою и ходи.”
‭‭От Иоанна‬ ‭5:7-8‬
Olga Valerevna Oct 2017
it's one Sun then two we can see in this life
there's one in our body and one in the sky
if days be some windows the shape of the moon
then while they are open we're welcomed to bloom
the Truth about Life is the same for us all
each Winter we die til comes Spring through the Fall
we follow the seasons like footsteps of Time
so let us be never a second behind
Sun teach me how to never fall behind...
Olga Valerevna Dec 2019
if Love can survive in the ocean
I’ll follow its waves to Your heart
I’ll swim with an army of fishes
and wait for the waters to part

I’ll open my eyes for a second
to see if I still see at all
the saltiest part of my body
will seek You where ever You are

if Love is survived by the ocean
I’ll sink like a stone in Your Grace
I’ll wait at the bottom, where nothing
can keep me from seeing Your Face
“Советую тебе купить у Меня золото, огнем очищенное, чтобы тебе обогатиться, и белую одежду, чтобы одеться и чтобы не видна была срамота наготы твоей, и глазною мазью помажь глаза твои, чтобы видеть.”
‭‭Откровение 3:18‬
Olga Valerevna Feb 2024
I talk to you in private, more than anybody knows
I tell you all my secrets and it satisfies my soul
you walk with me my daily route and always stop to ask
“I’m here to stay, I’ll always be, but where do your feet stand?”

I’m walking on the soil now, I’m testing out terrain
I’ve walked through some that bit me back and made me feel insane
I don’t know what to tell you now, but I know how to be
I know I am the part of you that I can always see

I talk to you in private, like I’m talking to myself
I tell you who I want to be, but I’m  somebody else
I am not you, your are not me, we are not black and white
I’ll meet you in the middle where the colors come alive
Olga Valerevna Feb 2013
Oh the duality
There's no neutrality
Only reality
Stored in your mind.

What of this atrophy
Discount integrity
Chase after perjury
Hoarding the lie.

And to this enmity
What is the remedy
From this extremity
Where can I hide?

Notice the brevity
End of the melody
It's your identity
Searching inside.

Find you calamity
Soak in the density
Plundered is empathy
Fronted by pride.

With all intensity
Bring on indemnity
Forfeit amenity
Bow and you die.
Olga Valerevna Mar 2017
these fields have frozen over in a way I've never seen
and more than I want anything I want again to breathe
to see my lungs embrace the sun and sleep upon the moon
the way I used to wait for all the rest I found in You
but now that I have tasted every star that ever burned
I melt into the atmosphere I know cannot return
beyond this wretched dreaming I will find my way again
don't leave me now, I'm coming home, my Dearest, Truest Friend
"Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me." Revelations 3:20 NKJV
Olga Valerevna Oct 2016
we're standing on the pavements taking pictures of our lives
pretending we are frozen every second passed in time
but what if we instead project the daily as it is
the broken up confusion and the sense we make of it
put everything in places they were always meant to be
and justify the cause for such decisions made by thee
let not the fear consuming all make way inside of you
rebuke it in the name of faith you carry tried and true
don't let the voice of others tell you what is right and wrong
you have a mind unshakable when rooted deep and strong
only some certain people.
Olga Valerevna Apr 2013
I went about the earth today and tried to hide my pain
But planted it in everything and felt it like the rain
As time collapsed upon my head I stumbled to the tick
Unable to convince myself I can't keep up with it
The broken glass had gathered at the bottom of my feet
And every shard I walked upon took more away from me
In this is life, I told myself, remove what made you ache
Allow the blood to cover you the moment you awake
Olga Valerevna Oct 2019
the lessons taught by Wisdom still revolve around the tongue
the smallest of your members but the very loudest one
consider it the ruler of the world in which you live
for by it you can slander or remember to forgive
the wickedness around you has a way of seeping in
if ever you invite it as a guest come through your skin
it tends to move by way of pain that blinds you from the start
possessing every Truth you once had living in your heart
a weakened state of memory will follow close behind
until you lose your senses and derail on Tracks of Time  
the smallest of your members has a way of pulling weight
so let your words be light instead of heavy like the hate
“И язык — огонь, прикраса неправды; язык в таком положении находится между членами нашими, что оскверняет все тело и воспаляет круг жизни, будучи сам воспаляем от геенны.”
‭‭Послание Иакова‬ ‭3:6‬ ‭
Olga Valerevna Feb 2017
I've gone to many places and I've seen so many things
she said in every language she'd collected on a string
a solace found in nature she projected onto those
who had no peace and quiet they could call their very own
I know this life is bitter even more than it is sweet
but let me pour this honey on the sores beneath your feet
the Earth is just as tired as the people it sustains
in search of rest in rivers running still as latter rain
let fog upon the soil give us time enough to heal
account for every single thing we ever said was real
John: 1-8
Olga Valerevna Nov 2013
Of everything bent by wind on the earth
You move the fibers preserving my worth
Where have I gone with the questions I pose
And can I allow them to channel my prose
Subtleties hiding are harder to see
But that doesn't mean they are not within me
Show me the image beyond all of this
Far from the shadows that blew me a kiss
Cover my hands with the warmth of your touch
I need to feel it, I need you so much
Soften the edges afflicting my mind
Speak me a way I can verily find
I want to rest at the foot of your door
'Neath all the doubt I don't have anymore
Waiting is nothing, let patience attest
The time it has taken makes life my request
Послание к Филиппийцам 4:12
Olga Valerevna Sep 2012
Stop the talking, I need peace
Your words augment as I decrease
Keep those stories in your head
Where they belong and stay unread
'Cause if you throw them all around
What is caged will be unbound  
So latch your lock and find the key
Let it turn and set you free
Olga Valerevna Feb 2022
I know too much, don’t know enough
my mind has grazed the skies above
and as my thoughts go up and down
I start to flee from higher ground

I put my focus on the earth
and as I walk, I learn my worth
my feet are small and so am I
but there is more than meets the eye

I felt as much as I could feel
enough to know that You are real
my soul depicts Your Majesty
Your Hands my hands, Your Feet my feet
Olga Valerevna Mar 2014
The winter wasn't cold enough for me to feel its chill
The ice is slowly melting now as I begin to spill
So what of this analogy and how does it compare
To what is really happening, I haven't been aware
That everything inside of me is nearly dead and gone
Yet I will never let myself forget where I went wrong
The purpose of a memory I've harbored all this time  
While years of every season passed, you never left my mind
I wonder where your feet have been, the soil and the sun
Have written on your skin with words that may have even stung
I want to tell you many things and hear your story too
I'll start with an apology for what I did to you
I let myself become the cold that I was breathing in
I let it stay inside of me for how long has it been?
title taken from The Soil & The Sun's, "Raised in Glory"
Olga Valerevna Aug 2012
I staged a scene inside my head and wept again
but know -
I did it just to see if we could make amends
to show -
That I can still perceive more than I thought I could
until -
I felt the vapid scent of what I'd understood
at will -
That everything was nothing but a blue visage
and thus -
Had helped offset the redness of my blood mirage
to dust -
So I have been afloat upon an empty bed
you see -
The one you left inside my disillusioned head
for me -
Olga Valerevna Dec 2016
our ladders aren't made of
other people that we climb
the ones we like to bury
with the passing of the time
we play with all their thoughts
like an entitlement we own
and make ourselves the thieves
of any chance of letting go
I know we're only human
but we're capable of more
than holding onto to tragedies
some other people wore
your skin is only loyal
if you choose to give it up
to everything you cannot see
but blindly choose to love
Olga Valerevna Jul 2019
teach me the Ways of The Father and guide me like Rays of The Sun
and give me a heart that is open - fully, completely to Love
and strike from my soul any anger, words that do not sow the Good
and keep me from being fulfilled by that which Your Heart never could
take all the burdens within me and give me Your Light in its place
show me the world through Your Senses and wipe every tear from my face
“И отрет Бог всякую слезу с очей их, и смерти не будет уже; ни плача, ни вопля, ни болезни уже не будет, ибо прежнее прошло.”
‭‭Откровение ап. Иоанна Богослова 21:4‬
Olga Valerevna Aug 2012
Let's you and I
Climb up high
Into this hive
And hide our lives

We'll disappear
Into our fears
So no one hears
Or sees our tears
We're mirrors

Come with me
My honeybee
I'll make you free
Just place your knees
Upon the tree

My home is dark
It's like this bark
And you're the spark
I need to start
My heart

Our light in beams
We'll invade dreams
And float like streams
In people's screams
It seems

A macrame
Of honey stains
Adorns the face
Of our dismay
And stays

We live and die
Inside our hive
Just you and I
Til the end of time
But why?
Olga Valerevna Jan 2019
you took me to the ends of every square inch of this earth
and reckoned with your ego long enough to claim my worth
you painted my perdition on the beating of my heart
and washed your hands remotely while I slowly fell apart
I wanted to be angry and I wanted to be cross
but every way recounted you were nothing I had lost
you never made me better and you never made me worse
if anything you rendered me a person of my Word
Olga Valerevna Feb 2022
you wrote me a poem that watered my eyes
and woke up my Spirit from dead to alive
I anchored my heart and I wandered its streets
and took all the Time to revisit each beat
I found you in moments that sounded far off
but when I drew closer, I saw you and thought

: you’ve never been farther than one word away
and now that I’m with you, I know what to say
your mind and your body were made for me, dear
The Son and The Father have made this so clear
I love you because of, I love you despite
I love you forever, yours always, goodnight
Olga Valerevna Sep 2012
The blinds on my windows are always closed

Hiding the things that I don't want exposed

Parts of my life will be scenes no one knows 

So I'll be content to proceed as it goes 

As long as I know what I'm doing is right

I have not the need for there to be light 

The hands by my face can carry my plight 

Up to the sky where it may take flight 

Then far and away where words become deeds

It'll  puncture and break my heart 'til it bleeds 

The liquid will spill my eternity's seeds 

For gardens in worlds I am destined to be
Olga Valerevna Nov 2023
You pull me down from everything that keeps me in the air
You show me things that break me in a way I can’t compare
You give my heart a reason and the strength to keep a beat
and cover me in Poetry I lay down at Your Feet

You see me in the places where I barely see myself
You hold my hand through troubles unlike anybody else
You recognize the filters I impose upon my tongue
but let me speak as freely as I possibly could want

You layer every fiber of my being on my bones
You breathe Your Life into them so I’ll never be alone
You leave me only speechless but You never leave me bare
if anything, You make me all the more and more aware
“Иисус сказал ему: Я есмь путь и истина и жизнь; никто не приходит к Отцу, как только через Меня.”
‭‭От Иоанна‬ 14:6
Olga Valerevna Nov 2012
it's like I can see the sunrise in your eyes.
Olga Valerevna Jun 2014
If I'm not always with you, you will lose me to myself
I'll wander off and far away from everybody else
And if you try to find me when you see that I am gone
Remembering my face will only further lead you on

When all of me acknowledges the foreign and the known
I'll dip my feet in oil, light a match and let it go
The fire on my skin will not be hot enough to fear
I'll watch you watching me until I have to disappear
when I'm not where you are
Olga Valerevna Dec 2018
“I want to know all I can possibly know”
said someone in passing to me long ago
and now I hear voices inside of my head
that lead me to places and leave me for dead

I beckon to silence and ask it to speak
to render me strong when I feel I am weak
but all I can hear is the sound of my mind
inflicting confusion and making me blind

my heart is an altar that barely exists
the foam of a tide in a sea of my sins
dishonesty begs me to never confess
but here I am bleeding my thoughts nonetheless

if I can continue on living more days
I hope to use time to change all of my ways
and not to be selfish, and not to be *****
but only to do what Your will has me do
to know war.
Olga Valerevna Sep 2013
My mother was right but how did she know
How did she speak of the places I'd go
With intricate detail she'd planted her words
Carried like shadows by taciturn birds
In them and their silence I quieted mine
Rested my head on the backs of their spines
Sleepy and silent I took up my wings
I flew to the outskirts of everything
Biting my tongue to the people I saw
The ones in the middle, the warmest of all
The message I harbored was meant to be shown
But only to those who are not on their own
Verbally challenged and mentally worn
Remembered my mother, of whom I was born
*Follow the patterns you see on the wind
Feather the weather to end and begin
Olga Valerevna Aug 2012
the clock inside your body
moved the hands of time
aging all my senses fast
tearing at my spine

I can no longer feel you
or taste you in my mouth
but worse is still my vision
it saw you walking out

wearied by the ticking sound
coming from your steps
I breathe you in through memories
my mind will soon forget
Olga Valerevna Dec 2020
you will not know how much you are until they take it all
when every part that profits them means nothing when it’s gone
you’re not the way they paint you and you’re not what’s being sold
you’re not appraised commodity, you’re not what you’ve been told

you’re not a man’s perdition in the absence of The Truth
you’re not a force to conquer by the sin you made him do
you’ll know how much you are when you’ve acknowledged what you hid
and in the very act of, you will walk away from this
“впрочем спасется через чадородие, если пребудет в вере и любви и в святости с целомудрием.”
‭‭1 Тимофею‬ ‭2:15‬ ‭
Olga Valerevna Sep 2012
the way you write, it's as though you understand everything 
but you act against this logic

my explanation is so simple I doubt you'll understand anything 
I hide inside the pen ink
Olga Valerevna Sep 2019
consider the tone of your story  
rescind any anger at bay
lest treason become of your anchor
to make of your message, decay
you’ll only have blacked out the Sunrise
The Forever that lived in your heart  
a death premature by your choosing
to be one who’s not who you are

consider the tone of your story
invite every kindness to stay
for reason will make you a master
of Words you are destined to say
you’ll welcome the Sunrise in Spirit  
Forever the Beat of your Heart
a life made to keep by your person
to be who are - this is it!
“После того Иисус, зная, что уже все совершилось, да сбудется Писание, говорит: жажду. Тут стоял сосуд, полный уксуса. Воины, напоив уксусом губку и наложив на иссоп, поднесли к устам Его. Когда же Иисус вкусил уксуса, сказал: совершилось! И, преклонив главу, предал дух.”
‭‭От Иоанна‬ ‭19:28-30‬ ‭
Olga Valerevna May 2024
I heard the conversations you would have inside your mind
with all these other people on the daily, all the time
it’s how I got to know you and the person that you are
a man who pays attention to the beating of a heart

you must’ve known I’d say this ‘cause you always used to say,
“I know what words are in your head on any given day”
I used to feel so bothered by the notion that you knew
but somehow feel empowered, like it’s always been us two

we have our conversations now and always keep them light
we talk about what matters in this journey we call life
it’s how I get to know me like I’ve never known before
a girl who pays attention to her heart and so much more
a poem for my Ukrainian father, Valeriy Stepanovich

— The End —