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England    Just stuff
North Carolina    Enjoying life in the mountains. all poetry is original material,©(2022)All rights reserved
Dre Brax
San Antonio Texas    My poetry is like the wind, it changes directions constantly. I have learned so very much over the past several years which has broadened my …
Chalsey Wilder
22/Two-Spirit/Space    I missed you guys.
My words may not always be eloquent, but they are true. Writing to purge my soul rather than to please another is cathartic. Enjoy my …
Jonny Angel
GRB090423    Lover of Poetry “Love conquers all," Aphrodite promised. "Look at Helen and Paris. Did they let anything come between them?" "Didn't they start the Trojan …
Paul Thomas Galbally
F/east coast australia    (*please note all of the work i post here is the intellectual property of betterdays and affilliated names and is covered by copywright law.)
Chris Smith Dark Poet Soul
Hemel Hempstead    Poet and short story writer. My short stories are mainly horror. I was attacked in 1997 and my left leg badly burnt which led me …
RJ Days
Pennsylvania    I live and I sometimes write poems.
Michael W Noland
Seattle    It is all true
21/F/Building galaxies within    We are all strange in our own ways We are all dancing to the music of things
Curt A Rivard Sr
Connecticut    I am working on obtaining a degree in Mortuary Science. I hold credits in poetry and I am trying to use my talents in a …
NC    Life provides the contours, poets provide the shading and color ~ r All rights reserved.
My Kali kills, my Draupadi strips, my Sita climbs on a strangers lap. My women militate. they belittle kings, take on the sun, take after …
Raphael Uzor
Lagos, Nigeria    @ralphyloo
Sally A Bayan
F/Manila, Philippines    As I See Myself Right Now, Content........settled here thankful........I'm no longer there yet...glad........I'd been there... ^^^ I Am Filled With Gratitude... ^^^ Sally
Christopher Wallace
Vancouver, Canada    "... the dearest freshness of deep-down things ..." — Gerard Manley Hopkins
Peter Watkins
19/M/England    Just a University student looking to hone his craft, and share the rewards
purple orchid
South Africa    (not) in the swing of things
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