I am returning from beyond the border
of your smile. I am, although
silence complains about
the excess of existence.
I am close enough to sleep to escape
this tachycardia, this too abundant forgetfulness.
Kinship with time makes bells fall silent,
commands unite,
lies harmonize with truth.
I have fallen in love with opposites
so vast that the heavens fall
to their knees, the Earth festers like
a fresh wound.
I bow pitifully at the sight
of your borrowed answers, I delight in
the infinity of sold questions.
Unprepared, yielding to your naked heart,
I collide with the wall
I built to hide my life from myself.
There's a bit of remorse and madness
lurking in your undressed tears;
I pay with sadness for
the right to longing.
Too humble to resurrect fear, I struggle
with your past, with complaints about
your too mundane future.