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10h · 17
Rock Doves
nivek 10h
the cooing of Rock Doves
sitting on the roof

their mating dance
- a chase

around the Dandelions
and grass

they choose a mate
- falling in love

their flock increasing
each new year
nivek 1d
a midge has to eat
its nothing personal

******* Human blood
you are just so yummy
nivek 1d
grace poured into your soul
to cleanse, to heal, to forgive
nivek 1d
what is it to love thy enemy?
to be crucified for one and all?

to lay down your life
in order that others may live?
1d · 34
nivek 1d
far out uttered by hippies
those flower power folk
have we travelled further
since they first uttered 'love'
1d · 41
nivek 1d
to set the mind to wonder
a journey to the unknown
needs must be taken, again
1d · 29
nivek 1d
days for singing
-days for silence

days for sowing
-days for reaping
nivek 2d
Star-child Sun-kissed
a Moon to swoon over
where lovers do meet

the rising of pulse
blood flushed
shaky legs...

a kiss from Moonbeams
dreamers dream
a heady mix
2d · 49
sharing mystery
nivek 2d
complexities diluted down;
'its all a mystery'-
that's the truth we live-
the truth we share.
2d · 35
lost to time
nivek 2d
skin on skin
gentle touch

a remembered dream
long ago

the echo sounding
around your heart

a love song for your lover
unrequited, lost to time.
2d · 27
to share
nivek 2d
Love hangs full and juicy
- fruit on the vine

My lover plucks the choicest
- gathers them up

-to share
nivek 2d
strange weather not so strange after all
for the scientist proof of predictable outcomes.
2d · 261
nivek 2d
Beauty beyond compare
unique, unmatched

Searching for your lover
in the garden of Eden

And you eat the fruit
that they share
2d · 42
most folks
nivek 2d
amazing things, usually hidden, can well up and out of your heart,
the giveaway to yourself just who it is you are, riding the stars,
what it is you desire and the mismatch between fantasy and reality,
the person you would like to be and the person calling the shots,
a grey area, too sublime to capture, too murky to see, too deep,
the place for the ordinary mystery of life to be enough for one to live,
a place most folks find themselves most of the short time of their life.
4d · 53
nivek 4d
love has no need or want
love is its own reward
love loses nothing in loving
love simply loves, that's all
4d · 29
chilled out love
nivek 4d
love creates love
generates love
gives itself, fully
loves all is love
4d · 56
a festered mind
nivek 4d
deepest night in deepest space
void of star-shine

blacker than black
gaping wound of nothingness

an eternal scream
in a bottomless pit

forever falling
nivek 4d
the mirage of distance
eye to horizon

interconnected spiritual

spirit world
spirit people

into enlightenment
4d · 36
favourite colour
nivek 4d
gravitational red
internal rivers

heart pumped
brain fed

lung oxygenating
****** air

red faced
ochre blushed
nivek 4d
underneath the mountain
invisible hands hammer metal
forging steel on anvils

the ringing sounds
deep in the Earth
echo out across the valley

its a war machine, some say
they are creating-
the machine to end all wars.
4d · 42
nivek 4d
there are many keys to many doors
what key to what door have you?

a word, a memory, an inkling
here across this page

door swung wide
key left for others to find.
nivek 6d
dust and desert Martian landscape
boulders, rocks, stone

a veiled watery course underground
under lives and freedoms

a people held to account-
for laughter and levity.

bone heads and cruelty-
thinking, we are superior.
nivek 6d
Starlight in your pockets
a Moonbeam in your smile
gentleness of the Butterfly-
in your heart soul and mind.

nivek 7d
The Gulls back from the sea
their evening songs

a celebration of good luck
fishers back from the sea.....
7d · 54
Earth Dust
nivek 7d
flotsam and jetsam

light shade



Star child
Earth dust.
7d · 51
nivek 7d
yellow Moon
red Sun
blue Earth
green Earth
yellow Sun
red Moon
blue sky
7d · 36
Flaming Glory
nivek 7d
one voice of love
igniting hearts

the flame carried
and set on a stand
nivek 7d
its a roundabout, all of it
said in similar but different ways
nivek 7d
freewill the gift most precious
the gift most often abused
nivek 7d
the scapegoat could be anyone
more, any grouped together folk
by association, you could be next.
nivek 7d
ghosts within dreamscapes
haunt the nights

haunt your steps
having escaped their grasp
nivek 7d
fragrancies to allure
to repel

invisible language
wafting around.
7d · 37
nivek 7d
nailed to a place in time and eternity
the mind works out its reasons
reason to be, reason to stay
reason to fully believe-
this is where I will die.
7d · 29
nivek 7d
living fully in the 'now'
a disciplined road
with enormous potholes.
nivek 7d
freaky weather being the norm
will it ever change back?
7d · 104
clockwork dolls
nivek 7d
jumping out my skin
wound up spring

lets go
now and then.
7d · 42
one spin
nivek 7d
one spin of the spiral
stars falling across space

some being born
some dying

the blue hides them
along with the clouds.
Jul 18 · 28
nivek Jul 18
I took up the golden quill
plucked from the golden goose

And I began to write
slowly at first

And then in a torrent
not my own
Jul 18 · 78
nivek Jul 18
Raspberry crop hangs fulsome
sweet luscious fruits
juicy purple and reds
enough for a pie or two.
nivek Jul 18
did I plot my course
no I did not

but to have come to a place envisaged
when it was impossible for me to arrange

no, I did not plot my course-
despite myself I have arrived at a sacred place
Jul 18 · 55
nivek Jul 18
we will all be friends in Heaven so goes the saying.
what a shame it will take until then.
Jul 18 · 49
the morning offering
nivek Jul 18
the morning offering;
all that you are or will be
in union with your Deity  (mine offering themselves on a cross)
nivek Jul 18
Shielded from the harms of the Sun
a Moon that no longer mocks

Held tight by eternal truth
travelling freedoms road

A light load
an easy yoke
Jul 18 · 79
slowly into place
nivek Jul 18
unlocking understanding
deeply understood

a gentle process

slowly into place
falls eternities freedom
Jul 17 · 53
nivek Jul 17
some days the full force of what you are up against is felt most keenly
- tested to take heart
standing up with your belief love has conquered the world.
nivek Jul 17
to have been shown mercy at birth
when most defenceless
naked to the world and hungry
Jul 17 · 41
Born Naked
nivek Jul 17
the beggar is an honest reflection
when it comes to the heart of things
nivek Jul 17
perceived to be the fly in someone's soup
the reason their happiness is thwarted
a barrier to the success they deserved
lower in class or culture or humanity
not worth attention or help or kindness?
Jul 16 · 59
nivek Jul 16
a song of season
written down
before time began

tuned in
place and terrestrial time

seed from long ago
and fruit swelled
red and ripe.
Jul 16 · 43
a mothers womb
nivek Jul 16
deep and depth
out of sight

singing into the void
an echo returning

no breath within
a mothers womb

was that my voice
whispering silence
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