Don't wrap me in a hearse of gloom
When it's time for me to go
Don't drape yourself in black or white
But in the colours of a rainbow
Shed no tears of death in life
Let your heart feel no pain
For I will be in a sky of blue
With sunshine in a frame
Spread my ashes far in a river
I'll flow and meet the sea
On waves of moon bathed silver
Sailing I shall be
Leave me too with flowers
With marigolds I will stay
A whim of floral frenzy
Will touch the sombre grey
I, a part of earth and water
Why mope and sigh and grieve
Burned by flames of pure fire
I'll float like a feather on a leaf
Though with a cry we arrive
There's laughter when we're born
Let the smiles linger on
Why make it oh, forlorn
No tears of death in life
No crease, no sorrow's crinkle
Think of me with happiness
And know me in a twinkle
Don't wrap me in a hearse of gloom
When it's time for me to go
Don't drape me in black or white
But in the colours of a rainbow
Old poem