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 May 2014 mars
Such A Fool
 May 2014 mars
This girl has consumed my thoughts
As she’s done multiple times before
I think of nothing else
But the way she bites her lip
Ever so tentatively

She doesn’t notice
How I gaze at her whilst she rests
The simplicity of the moment
As if all of time stands still
It’s just us now

What has become of me?
How have I let her in?
Deep within my soul
Where she’s claimed her home
“Safe,” she tells me

She burrows her face in my neck
I lace my arm around her frame (so frail she is)
“Please don’t let go,” she pleads
I purse my lips and murmur,
“I can’t.”
She has never left.
 May 2014 mars
Sweet Beginning
 May 2014 mars
Is my
And inspiration
To try
And recover
 May 2014 mars
Hold Her Close
 May 2014 mars
Her lips were soft
And carried Chapstick.
It was so addicting
I wonder how
I found the power
To let go.
I'm sorry for today.
 May 2014 mars
 May 2014 mars
She is my
Brightest light
In the
Darkest of nights
Now and forever.
 May 2014 mars
You're everything
I don't

But everything
I need to
Did you know that?
 May 2014 mars
She’s indescribable – this girl  
I have troubles
Explaining her in words
That are coherent
Or eloquent

I fear that I won’t ever
Have the capability
Of writing about her
In such a way
That these words
Will even come close
To being as beautiful as her.
 Apr 2014 mars
GitacharYa VedaLa
It's orange in the
sky. Shadows became longer
Evening approached
 Apr 2014 mars
Jonny Angel
The minutes tick by
& the days pass like wildfires
across the driest forests,
spitting eternal sparks
up into the summer skies.

And underneath it all,
a tempest does lie,
unbridled passions
doth waste away
without any
falling stars
to catch them.
 Apr 2014 mars
Mikey Jha
We have against all odds arrived at home, Monroe had said.

Inman did not consider himself to be a superstitious person, but he did believe that there is a world invisible to us. He no longer thought of that world as heaven, nor did he still think that we get to go there when we die. Those teachings had been burned away.

At the time, it was a sentiment Ada took with a great deal of skepticism.
All of their Charleston friends had expressed the opinion that the mountain region was a heathenish part of creation . . . Ada’s informants had claimed the mountaineers to be but one step more advanced in their manner of living than tribes of vagrant savages.

He had grown so used to seeing death . . . that it seemed no longer dark and mysterious. He feared his heart had been touched by the fire so often he might never make a civilian again.
But he could not abide by a universe composed only of what he could see, especially when it was so frequently foul.

Ada believed she would ***** towers on the ridge marking the south and north points of the sun’s annual swing. . . . Keeping track of such a thing would place a person, would be a way of saying, You are here, in this one station, now. It would be an answer to the question, Where am I?

We have against all odds arrived at home.

But what the wisdom of the ages says is that we do well not to grieve on and on. And those old ones knew a thing or two and had some truth to tell. . . . You’re left with only your scars to mark the void. All you can choose to do is go on or not. But if you go on, it’s knowing you carry your scars with you.
Found Poem. Pieced together phrases from the book.
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