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  Oct 2018 Gem
Nigel Finn
Take a break, because life is long
But nothing’s as bad as it seems,
When the reality around you’s all gone wrong
And the night just brings bad dreams.

As endless as life seems to be
Know nothing lasts forever
If not for you, there’d be no me
When my tomorrows turn to never

I don’t care who you are to me
If we’re strangers or we’re friends
My love’s for all humanity
And tomorrow never ends…
Found this in an old collection of notes that were almost lost forever. I'm leaving this one here so that I won't forget to work on it in the future. I feel like it has potential.
Gem Oct 2018
when im alone
i clean the house.

i spend hours scrubbing the white counter tops i just put in
with a lemon scented wipe

i lay on the sofa in the sun

i am full of pride

and then i let them in.
i'm selective,

but why do i let in the ones with the dirtiest shoes?
why do i let them mock the white cabinets and replace them with black?

its not like i dont have options
there are people who will take off their shoes and leave them outside,
people who promise to keep my house clean

i am a terrible decision maker. and at the end of the day when im alone again i must go back to cleaning

its a vicious cycle
Gem Oct 2018
there's nothing wrong
my heart is beating normally
my body isn't heavy
i feel normal, fine even- which is where i'm confused
there is something wrong
but i cant find the source
Gem Oct 2018
you don't know it, but the fire i pull
out of your stomach
is a talent of mine
your passion mirrors mine
you respond
to me
  Jun 2018 Gem
I fell for another boy
but he could never be you
it's been two years
and I can't stop my heart
from beating twice as fast
when I hear your name

every morning
I mourn
the loss of your good morning texts
every night
I reminisce
about your voice when you told me
I was all you ever wanted

I let you fool me
play me
hurt me
break me
and somehow still
I can't look at another boy
the way I look at you
  Jun 2018 Gem
June Rose
Gentle Hands, rest easy now-
Warped, wrinkled, and wrangled,
Wipe away the worries you have worn.

Gentle Hands, rest easy now-
Release the regrets you retain
And rightfully receive some relief.

Gentle Hands, rest easy now-
Fearful, frozen, and fractured,
Free the phantoms that follow you.

Gentle Hands, rest easy now-
Place your pained palm in mine
And pass into perpetual peace.
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