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  Jun 2018 Gem
June Rose
Gentle Hands, rest easy now-
Warped, wrinkled, and wrangled,
Wipe away the worries you have worn.

Gentle Hands, rest easy now-
Release the regrets you retain
And rightfully receive some relief.

Gentle Hands, rest easy now-
Fearful, frozen, and fractured,
Free the phantoms that follow you.

Gentle Hands, rest easy now-
Place your pained palm in mine
And pass into perpetual peace.
Gem May 2018
i hope he can't get enough of me
even though i shouldn't want anything to do with him
Gem May 2018
the intimate feeling of my lips slowly caressing your skin
makes me crave a feeling
makes me crave to show love
lust is like a storm
but so is my love
Gem Apr 2018
fingers latched onto a cliff, slowly slipping off
even when i fall
i never die
Gem Apr 2018
i've done the dirtiest things with you but i've never felt so clean
Gem Apr 2018
like my bodies submerged in cold wet gray sand
It's not night nor nowhere near it
it's the middle of the day but the sky is gray, lifeless, there is no sun
the water is crashing against some distant rocks and
the birds are screaming
Gem Mar 2018
i hope that you don't hold a grudge against my selfish heart
we all have our self-sustaining behaviors
i hope you can eventually see it the way i saw it even if you also see all of the err, the same err i drown myself in when i feel low

but in order to get to the places you want, sometimes you have to pull some strings
you were just another person that i ran over in my unclear path of (de)construction
i didnt mean to treat you like a marionette -even if im sure thats what it feels like in your heart
i guess behind my own eyes i am a demanding puppet master that uses real human beings as her toys
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